initiation: the accuracy in pitch when singing or playing an instrument
flat: playing or singing below pitch
sharp: playing or singing above pitch
dynamics: how loudly or softly a performer should play or sing a passage
the dynamic is likely to be located below the music in the first measure
crescendo (cresc): gradually increasing in loudness, volume, or intensity
diminuendo (dim): a gradual decrease in volume or intensity of a musical or other sound
forte (f): to pay or sing loudly
mezzo-forte (mf): to play or sing moderately loudly
mezzo-piano (mp): to play or sing moderately softly
piano (p): to play or sing softly
forte-piano (fp): to play or sing loudly then immediately softly
rhythm: music's pattern in time
contains three parts
rhythm is when some notes las longer than other notes
beat can be found on sheet music by looking at the time signature
beat: the pulse; a rhythmic unit of time
tempo: the speed at which the piece is perfrmed
composers use tempo markings at the beginning of a song that can look like a quarter note followed by a number of beats per minute (metronome marking) or use a word to indicate tempo
andante: a walking tempo; moderately slow
allegro: fast, but not as fast as presto or pretissimo
presto: a rapid tempo; as if by magic
prestissimo: a tempo faster than presto
meter: musical time features patterns of strong beats and weak beats
rhythm: timing :: melody: pitch
melody: the tune played by a series of notes; the sound different notes make together
form: the structure of music
timbre: the quality of a sound. Generally used to describe differences in sounds played or sung at the same pitch or loudness, but by different instruments and/ or voices
depending on the instruments, words to describe timbre include bright, dark, warm, and harsh
timbre affects the mood of the music
staff: set of five line and four spaces
each space represents a specific musical pitch
grand staff: two staffs joined by a brace
generally, the grand staff joins the bass and treble clefs, with middle c located on the ledger line between the two
measures: in music, notes are grouped together in a sense of measures (or bars)
single bar lines indicate where a measure begins or ends
double bar lines indicate a change in music, including the beginning of a new sanction or key signature