Paper 2

Cards (24)

  • Neurones
    Sensory neurones send info from senses to brain (e.g receptors in hands)
    Relay neurones connect with other neurones,deciding how to respond
    Motor neurones send messages via long axons from brain to muscles/effectors to take action.
  • Endocrine system
    a network of glands in the body that manufacture and secrete hormones
    Endocrine and nervous system work together very closely to regulate physiological processes of human body
    uses blood vessels to deliver hormones to their target sites in the body
  • Somatic Nervous
    System transmits info to and from the senses and to and from CNS
    This is all under conscious control.
    The SNS uses sensory neurons to take info to CNS
    Also uses motor neurons to act on decisions of the CNS
  • Bodily effects – body’s response to stress - AHASAMAN
    Amygdala –alerts the hypothalamus to a perceived threat
    Hypothalamus -alerts the brainstem to take action
    Autonomic NS triggers activation of
    Sympathetic branch -Which sends a message via nerves to:Adrenal glands, specifically the
    Medulla (part of adrenal gland)- releasing the hormones
    Adrenaline and
    Noradrenaline -which increase heart rate, respiration, sweating, preparing you for fight or flight.
  • If the standard deviation value has increased there is a bigger variation in the data but it is less consistent.
  • If the standard deviation value has decreased there is a smaller variation in the data but it is more consistent.
  • Purpose
    Ensuring only highest quality research is published in the journal
    To increase public's trust in scientific research
    To stop false info and fraudulent research being published
    ‘Experts’ in field check it
    To avoid plagiarism ensuring original researchers are credited
    Keeps experts in the loop about new research in their field
  • Process
    1)Researcher sends their written report to the editor of the journal
    2) Editor sends report to experts in field
    3) Expert checks for quality,validity,accuracy,bias,grammatical errors,plagiarism
    4) If any recommendations in these areas expert returns report to researcher
    5) Researcher makes changes,resubmits
    6) If all ok expert approves,submits to journal
    7) Published!
  • When to use Sign Test
    1)When using a test of difference,looking at difference in IV1 and IV2
    2)When the 2 related pieces of data could come from a repeated measures design or matched pairs
    3)When collecting nominal data (categorical)
  • How to conduct
    1)Create a hypothesis
    2)Record the data - if score increased record a +,if it decreased a -,is stayed same a 0
    3)Find s(calculated) - by taking smallest value of + or - (ignore 0’s)
    4)Find s(critical) - from table,N(number of p’s excluding 0’s),one/two-tailed,significance(usually 0.05)
    5)Conclude - s(calculated) must be equal to or less than s(critical) for there to be significance
  • s(calculated) must be equal to or less than s(critical) for there to be significance
  • One way covert is more beneficial than overt
    don’t know they‘re being studied,behaviour more natural,less demand characteristics.
  • Synaptic transmission
    1. Action potential (instigation of brain activity)
    2. Chemical Messengers called neurotransmitters travel down pre synaptic neuron
    3. Vesicles containing NT's explode
    4. NT's released into synaptic gap5. Post synaptic receptors receive NT's and they diffuse into the post synaptic neuron
  • An inference is a logical assumption based on research evidence,of the mental processes that lie behind observed behaviour. We have to infer/assume because internal thought processes are private - we cannot study them directly.
  • Genotype and Phenotype
    Genes function in pairs and genes from parents provide a basis for genetic variability.
    Genes only determine potential for characteristic (genotype)Observable physical,behaviour and psychological characteristics of an individual (phenotype) depend on environmental factors
  • The emergence of Psychology as a Science
    Wudnt brought about the emergence of Psychology as a science by using empirical methods.This is characterised by the use of the scientific method inPsychology.The new scientific approach in Psychology is based on two major Assumptions:All behaviour is caused (the assumption of determinism)If behaviour is determined, then it should be possible to predict how humanbeing behave in different conditions (the assumption of predictability).The technique used to explore these assumptions then emerged as the scientific method.
  • Wundt
    Introspection is the process by which a person gains knowledge about his or her own mental and emotional states.Our introspective ability allows us to observe our inner world.Wundt claimed that,with sufficient training,mental processes such as memory and perception could be observed systematically as they occurred using introspection.
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    He believed the Human Mind could be studied scientifically.
    In his laboratory he studied only those aspects of behaviour that could be strictly controlled under experimental conditions
    His aim was to study the structure of the human mind.
    His approach was known as structuralism because he broke down behaviours such as sensation and perception into their basic element.
  • Introspection
    Issue - subjective ,he attempted to make it objective using trained therapists,still relied on p’s reporting own feelings which are unobservable constructs,difficult to gather reliable theories
    Making happiness a measurable phenomenon bleep test
  • Classical conditioning evaluation
    rwa led to reduction in anxiety associated with phobias systematic desensitisation
    biologica preparedness cc can’t be used to explain behaviour in all species
  • Cognitive neuroscience
    more scientific objective fMRI objectivefMRI and PET raine,violent killer psychopaths have lower prefrontal cortex activity
    allows for more earlier treatments and interventions for mood disorders such as ocd and depression
  • Cognitive approach
    RWA dysfunctional behaviour down to faulty thinking processes led to treatments
    Scientific experimental methods,provided rigorous method for collecting and analysing data,based on more than common sense and introspection
    Reductionist computers don’t forget/make mistakes
    studies into cog approach lack ecological validity memory tasks have little relevance in everyday life,unable to generalise findings to real world situations
  • Biological approach
    Scientific machines. - not vested in outcome of results,reduces observer bias,can find cause and effect relationships in behaviour.
    RWA,neurochemical imbalance,depression,led to drug treatments,SSRI’s,economic benefits,cheap quick to work accessible
    Reductionist,other factors to fully understand behaviour
    Dangers associated with genetic explanations,genes lead to a predispositionality for crime,may never engage in criminal behaviour
  • Fight or flight outline
    Hypothalamus prepares body for action/emergency response
    Releases adrenaline from adrenal medulla
    direct effects of adrenaline eg increase heart rate - constricts blood vessels,increases respiration and sweating