Cattle and Carabao Terms

Cards (22)

  • The castrated male animal is called steer, bullock, ox, gelding, gander, capon, etc.
  • Castration is the removal or destruction of testicles
  • A cow that has given birth once is known as first-calf heifer
  • Surgical castration is done by cutting off the scrotum with a knife or scalpel
  • A cow that has given birth twice is known as second-calf heifer
  • A cow that has given birth thrice is known as third-calf heifer
  • A cow that has given birth four times is known as fourth-calf heifer
  • Breeding soundness examination (BSE) is performed on males prior to breeding season
  • Bullock
    Stag for draft purposes
  • Calf
    Young ox of either sex, under one year of age
  • Cattle
    Domesticated bovine animals
  • Cow
    Mature female ox, one that has already given birth
  • Carabull
    Mature male carabao
  • Caracow
    Mature female carabao, one that has already given birth
  • Caraheifer
    Young female carabao under three years of age, one that has not yet given birth
  • Heifer
    Young female ox under three years of age, one that has not yet given birth
  • Proven sire
    A bull that has sufficient information indicating its transmitting ability
  • Ox
    Member of the bovine family, or sometimes the male used for draft purposes
  • Stag
    Male ox castrated after sexual maturity
  • Steer
    Male ox castrated before sexual maturity
  • Bull - male breeding ox of any age
  • Bull calf - young male under one year of age