
Cards (10)

  • Nature (nativists)

    Psychological characteristics are determined by biological factors, they are hereditary and a result of genes
  • Examples of nativist research
    Serotonin explanation of OCD
  • Nurture (empiricists)

    Argued th humans are born blank slate and believed the mind is shaped by trial and error interactions with the environment. The interactions can be pre or post natal
  • Examples of nurture in research
    Operant conditioning - skinners rats
  • Relative importance
    Ho much of each concept our behaviour is. All behaviour is nature and nuture but in what concentration of each
  • Diathesis stress model
    States that behaviour is caused by Biological vulnerability (diathesis) which is only expressed when coupled with the environmental trigger (stressor)
  • Example of diathesis stress
    Genetically vulnerable MAOA gene is only expressed in its low functioning form if exposed to childhood abuse (psychological triggor)
  • Epigenetics
    A change in our genetic activity without a change in out genetic code, lifestyle and event leave epigenetic marks on our dna that will code genes on or off and will be passed down to our children. This is a nature nurture interaction.
  • Constructivism
    People create their own nurture by actively seeking and selecting environments that suit their nature. Plomin refers to niche building. This isevudence of why it is illogical and impossible to separate nature and nurture influences
  • Example of construtivism
    A naturally aggressive or chy child is likely to feel more comfortable around children of a similar nature and will chose their surroundings accordingly. This environment will the effect their development