Idiographic/ nomothetic

Cards (8)

  • Nomothetic approach

    Studying a large sample in order to formulate a general law. Generates quantitative data
  • Idiographic data

    Belief in the uniqueness if individuals, research based in small groups to generate qualitative data
  • Example of ideographic research

    Case study of Clive wearing
  • Examples of Nomothetic research
    Skinners research into animals to develop general laws of learning
  • strength of ideographic research
    an in depth, qualitative method of investigation provides a complete account of an individual. can also work well with nomothetic research to add understanding and detail to general laws
  • limitation idiographic approach
    offers only a narrow and restricted view of behaviour, no meaningful generalisation can/should be made without further validation, relies on subjective interpretation
  • strengths of nomothetic review
    a more scientific approach so data can be analysed qualitatively and tested under standardised empirical methods, have enabled psychologists to determine general laws of behaviour.
  • limitations of nomothetic approach
    accused of losing the whole picture, overlooks the richness of human experience, e.g knowing 1% risk of schizophrenia tells us very little about how it's like to live with the illness. in lab experiments people are treated as a number/ score and their subjective experience is ignore