part 2

Cards (55)

  • Data FF (D FF)

    Q follows D at NGT or PGT
  • Obtaining Q waveform from D & CLK waveforms

    1. Draw upward arrows on PGT, and lines through them
    2. Work out the rest yourself
  • Implementing D FF using JK FF
    J=D, K=NOT(D), Q=D
  • D latch vs D FF
    D latch is transparent when EN=1, D FF changes on clock
  • Synchronous Control Inputs
    S and C inputs in the clocked SC Flip Flops<|>J and K inputs in the JK Flip Flops<|>D input in the D Flip Flops<|>Must work together with the clock input to effect a change in the Q outputs
  • Synchronous system
    Output can change state only when the clock makes an active transition
  • Asynchronous system
    Outputs can change state any time when one or more inputs change
  • Asynchronous Control inputs (Preset and Clear)
    Level-triggered, active-LOW<|>When not active, FF operates under the control of J, K and clock (clocked operation)
  • Clocked JK FF with Preset & Clear
    1. When Preset & Clear are inactiveFF is in Clocked Operation
    2. When Preset or Clear is active – they override Clocked Operation
  • Obtaining Q waveform from input waveforms
    1. Draw downward arrows on NGT, and lines through them
    2. Also lines through transitions of Preset & Clear
    3. Preset active overrides clock, Q=1
    4. Clear active overrides clock, Q=0
  • Timing Parameters
    Setup Time, tS & Hold Time, tH<|>Propagation Delay, tPLH, & tPHL<|>Maximum Clock Frequency, fMAX<|>Minimum Clock Pulse Width, tW(L) & tW(H)<|>Maximum rise time tR & fall time tF of the CLK<|>Asynchronous Active Pulse Width, tW(Clear) & tW(Preset)
  • Setup Time tS & Hold Time tH
    Time required for synchronous control input to be stable before and after clock transition
  • Propagation Delay, tPLH & tPHL
    Delay from clock to Q going HIGH and LOW
  • Maximum Clock Frequency, fMAX

    Highest frequency that may be applied to the clock input of a FF and still have it triggered reliably
  • Clock Pulse Width, tW(L) & tW(H)
    Minimum pulse width of CLK signal for reliable triggering
  • Clock Rise Time tR and Fall Time tF
    Maximum rise and fall time of the CLK signal transitions required for reliable triggering
  • Asynchronous Active Pulse Width
    Minimum time PRESET or CLEAR input must be active to reliably set or clear the FF
  • Typical FF Timing Values (ns)
  • Flip-Flop Applications

    • Switch debouncing
    • Detecting an input sequence
    • Data storage & transfer
    • Frequency division / Counting
    • Others
  • Sequential circuits

    Circuits in which the outputs follow a predetermined sequence of states
  • prior to the active clock transition
  • Time
  • Answer the following questions using the Table in the previous slide
  • Flip-Flop Applications

    • Switch debouncing (already covered)
    • Detecting an input sequence
    • Data storage & transfer
    • Frequency division / Counting
    • others
  • Most of these applications fall into the category of sequential circuits
  • Sequential circuit
    A circuit in which the outputs follow a predetermined sequence of states
  • Chp 5 Flip Flops

  • Detecting an input sequence (i)

    1. As X become 1 regardless of which input goes HIGH first
    2. How to have X=1 only if A goes HIGH first, and then B goes HIGH some time later ? See next slide for a possible solution.
  • The above circuit cannot detect the input sequence
  • Chp 5 Flip Flops

  • Detecting an input sequence (ii)

    1. A is fed to J, B is fed to CLK. K=0 always. X can only change on PGT of B.
    2. A become '1' before B, therefore, X becomes '1' on PGT of B.
    3. A become '1' after B, therefore, X remains '0' on PGT of B.
  • Parallel Data Transfer / Storage
    1. Combinational Logic Circuit outputs X, Y, Z
    2. On NGT, X, Y, Z is transferred to Q
  • Frequency Division and counting
    1. A few FF are cascaded, with the CLK connected to the previous Q.
    2. The Clock Pulse is applied to the CLK of the first FF.
    3. All J & K = 1
  • B's CLOCK comes from A, i.e. B will toggle at every NGT of A
    With J=K=1, A will toggle at every NGT of the CLOCK
  • If the Clock Frequency (fCLK) is given as 16KHz
    T of A is double T of CLK => freq of A is ½ freq of CLK
    Likewise ...
  • For N FFs the frequency of the last FF is 1/2N of the CLK frequency
  • State Transition Diagram
    Shows the counting sequence
  • MOD number
    The number of states the counter goes through in each complete cycle before it RECYLES back to its starting state
  • MOD Number
    MOD number = 2N
    N= number of FF
  • Flip-Flop Related Devices