1. Draw upward arrows on PGT, and lines through them
2. Work out the rest yourself
Implementing D FF using JK FF
J=D, K=NOT(D), Q=D
D latch vs D FF
D latch is transparent when EN=1, D FF changes on clock
Synchronous Control Inputs
S and C inputs in the clocked SC Flip Flops<|>J and K inputs in the JK Flip Flops<|>D input in the D Flip Flops<|>Must work together with the clock input to effect a change in the Q outputs
Synchronous system
Output can change state only when the clock makes an active transition
Asynchronous system
Outputs can change state any time when one or more inputs change
Asynchronous Control inputs (Preset and Clear)
Level-triggered, active-LOW<|>When not active, FF operates under the control of J, K and clock (clocked operation)
Clocked JK FF with Preset & Clear
1. When Preset & Clear are inactive – FF is in Clocked Operation
2. When Preset or Clear is active – they override Clocked Operation
Obtaining Q waveform from input waveforms
1. Draw downward arrows on NGT, and lines through them
2. Also lines through transitions of Preset & Clear
3. Preset active overrides clock, Q=1
4. Clear active overrides clock, Q=0
Timing Parameters
Setup Time, tS & Hold Time, tH<|>Propagation Delay, tPLH, & tPHL<|>Maximum Clock Frequency, fMAX<|>Minimum Clock Pulse Width, tW(L) & tW(H)<|>Maximum rise time tR & fall time tF of the CLK<|>Asynchronous Active Pulse Width, tW(Clear) & tW(Preset)
Setup Time tS & Hold Time tH
Time required for synchronous control input to be stable before and after clock transition
Propagation Delay, tPLH & tPHL
Delay from clock to Q going HIGH and LOW
Maximum Clock Frequency, fMAX
Highest frequency that may be applied to the clock input of a FF and still have it triggered reliably
Clock Pulse Width, tW(L) & tW(H)
Minimum pulse width of CLK signal for reliable triggering
Clock Rise Time tR and Fall Time tF
Maximum rise and fall time of the CLK signal transitions required for reliable triggering
Asynchronous Active Pulse Width
Minimum time PRESET or CLEAR input must be active to reliably set or clear the FF
Typical FF Timing Values (ns)
Flip-Flop Applications
Switch debouncing
Detecting an input sequence
Data storage & transfer
Frequency division / Counting
Sequential circuits
Circuits in which the outputs follow a predetermined sequence of states
prior to the active clock transition
Answer the following questions using the Table in the previous slide
Flip-Flop Applications
Switch debouncing (already covered)
Detecting an input sequence
Data storage & transfer
Frequency division / Counting
Most of these applications fall into the category of sequential circuits
Sequential circuit
A circuit in which the outputs follow a predetermined sequence of states
Chp 5 Flip Flops
Detecting an input sequence (i)
1. As X become 1 regardless of which input goes HIGH first
2. How to have X=1 only if A goes HIGH first, and then B goes HIGH some time later ? See next slide for a possible solution.
The above circuit cannot detect the input sequence
Chp 5 Flip Flops
Detecting an input sequence (ii)
1. A is fed to J, B is fed to CLK. K=0 always. X can only change on PGT of B.
2. A become '1' before B, therefore, X becomes '1' on PGT of B.
3. A become '1' after B, therefore, X remains '0' on PGT of B.
Parallel Data Transfer / Storage
1. Combinational Logic Circuit outputs X, Y, Z
2. On NGT, X, Y, Z is transferred to Q
Frequency Division and counting
1. A few FF are cascaded, with the CLK connected to the previous Q.
2. The Clock Pulse is applied to the CLK of the first FF.
3. All J & K = 1
B's CLOCK comes from A, i.e. B will toggle at every NGT of A
With J=K=1, A will toggle at every NGT of the CLOCK
If the Clock Frequency (fCLK) is given as 16KHz
T of A is double T of CLK => freq of A is ½ freq of CLK
Likewise ...
For N FFs the frequency of the last FF is 1/2N of the CLK frequency
State Transition Diagram
Shows the counting sequence
MOD number
The number of states the counter goes through in each complete cycle before it RECYLES back to its starting state