Recognizes important sounds in their environment (ex: their caretaker’s voices)
Coos to show pleasure.
Reacts to loud sounds.
(language development) 4-6 months:
Responds to changes in vocal tone.
Recognizes basic sounds of native language.
Babbles and makes gurgling noises.
Pays attention to music.
(language development) 7-12 months
Turns and looks in direction of sounds.
Understands words for common items.
Responds to requests.
Communicates with gestures (ex: waving, pointing).
Imitates speech sounds.
Says one or two simple words.
children speak their first word by 1 year old; first sentence (two-word) by 18-24 months.
(language development) 2-3 years
Speaks in sentences (3-4 words).
Declarative language, “I’m hungry.”
Names objects and directs attention to them.
Vocabulary of about 1,000 words.
Can be understood by most people.
(language development) 3-4 years
Talks about activities at daycare/ preschool.
Uses 4+ word sentences.
(language development) 4-5 years
Hears and understands most of what is said at home and school.
Gives details in sentences.
Tells stories.
Identifies and uses rhyming words.
Uses grammar more appropriately.
Pays attention to and answers short questions about a story.
(language development) 5-7 years
Period of fast mapping (using context to determine meaning of words). Rapid advances in conversation (speaks about 2,500 words), and vocabulary (knows about 20,000 words).