Organization producing goods; services in the hope of profit
What is a competitive environment?
A business environment where businesses producing similar goods; services compete for customers.{market share}
What is meant by a dynamic environment?
Business world is constantly changing
What is interdependency?
Working with other businesses to achieve objectives. Actions of 1 business effect the other. A positive interdependent nature with other businesses more likely to receive stock on time, discount etc.
What's a good?
Tangible item
Whats a consumer good?
Goods consumed by final user.
Producer good?
Goods bought by a company used to produce other goods/services
Whats a durable good and non-durable?
Durable last 3+ yrs , non-durable last less such as food.
whats a service?
Intangiable value-added activity provided by a company.
Personal service?
Provided for individuals. House maintenance , grooming etc.
Commercial service?
Provided to a business eg. transport[logistics] and warehousing. Also available to individuals eg. banking.
Goods and services are provided by public and private sectors
Public sector organisations are operated and owned by the government such as the NHS in the UK
Private sector organisations are owned by individuals in hope or profit in selling goods/services.
4 factors of production are land, labour , capital and enterprise
Land is all natural resources [area built on, wood, materials]
Labour is the people who work within the business like employees
Capital is the money invested into the business to buy assets such as machinery
Enterprise is the entrepreneurial ability to start a business, run a business in taking risks and foresee economic climate etc.
Business enterprise involves an individual/group seeing a gap in the market or others making profit from a good/services and taking opportunity to start a business
An entrepreneur is an individual who sets up a business willing to take financial risks in hope of profit
Organising resources-Get best out of employees; suppliers
What are 2 characteristics of an entrepreneur?
Determined to succeed
Decision maker-Fast decisions and high efficiency to make sensible choices
Entrepreneurs may be motivated financially, non-financially or for social; community reasons
Financial motives of an entrepreneur include: To earn sufficient income to support lifestyle and earn profits greater than income working for someone else and being their own boss.
Non-Financial motives of an entrepreneur include: To be your own boss, Personal satisfaction in accomplishment, Continue family business, earn living from a hobby
Social and community motives of an entrepreneur: To provide employment for local residents and meet their needs / wants in providing goods/services unavailable.
Social enterprises are businesses operating for community benefit, worker benefit or as a charity. They help the community.
2 Risks of being an entrepreneur?
Unstable income as their may be low sales due to competitors, Negative publicity or a time of recession in society
Unexpected cost increases of materials, wages, taxes in which if you have any fixed prices of a product/service business pays out more money decreasing profits
2 rewards of being an entrepreneur?
Financial reward of higher income than working for someone else
Personal satisfaction in being your own boss, building positive customer relationships; having a known brand
A business plan sets out what the business does at present, its aims + objectives for the future and how they will be achieved. It may include marketing and financial information.
2 roles of a business plan for a start-up?
Decision making tool as it analyses important factors giving guidance on sensible decisions for survival.
To be able to seek finance and investment - venture capitalists, partners, banks would want to investigate financial state before raising finance
What are 2 things included in a business plan?
Business description such as type of ownership, name, What it sells/ provides
Financial information such as cashflow and profit / loss accounts
Banks want to see features of a business plan before providing loans to ensure your able to pay it back
Business aims are long-term goals of a business
Business objectives are targets set to meet business aims
what are 3 things business aims may include?
Survival - business to continue in long term providing income; legacy for family
Market share - greatest percentage of sales in market to generate profit
Growth - grow business overtime to increase market share and provide to more of target market, cater to more of market segment
Business objectives help measure business performance