school of thoughts

Cards (23)

  • Structuralism
    Focused on consciousness, the awareness of feelings, thoughts and perceptions
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    • One of the founders of structuralism
  • E.B. Titchener
    • Founder of the structuralism school, one of Wund's students
    • Believed that experiences could be broken down into elements, just as water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen
  • Introspection
    The procedure of confronting subjects with a stimulus and then asking them to describe their experience of it in detail
  • Gestalt Psychology
    Gestalt - German word for "whole" or "form"<|>They argued that the whole is a basic sensation in and of itself, the whole, not its parts, is the fundamental experience
  • Kurt Koffka
    • One of the founders of Gestalt Psychology
  • Wolfgang Kohler
    • One of the founders of Gestalt Psychology
  • Max Wertheimer
    • One of the founders of Gestalt Psychology
  • Functionalism
    Focused on experience and consciousness
  • John Dewey
    • One of the founders of Functionalism
  • James McKeen Cattell
    • One of the founders of Functionalism
  • William James
    • Wrote the Principles of Psychology
    • Believed that human consciousness has been shaped by evolution and that human behavior is governed by Instincts - tendencies to behave in particular ways that help the species adapt to and survive in its environment
  • Psychoanalysis
    Sigmund Freud's process of using free association to uncover the source of people's behavior and feelings
  • Behaviorism
    Psychologists should focus on what could be directly observed - people's behavior, and the situation in which they behave<|>Observation was a critical part of the scientific method, and that scientific observation must be objective, precise, and reliable<|>Thought and feelings cannot be measured, so they argued, such things can't be studied scientifically
  • John Watson
    • One of the founders of Behaviorism
  • Edward Lee (E.L.) Thorndike
    • One of the founders of Behaviorism
  • Burrhus Frederic (B. F.) Skinner

    • One of the founders of Behaviorism
  • Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology
    Believes that people control their own actions and thoughts<|>People can decide the direction of their lives, that they are free to become whatever they are capable of becoming, and that what they think and feel shapes their behavior<|>Transpersonal Psychology offers a more inclusive vision of human potential, suggesting both a new image of the human potential and a new world view<|>Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth are interrelated, and the optimal educational environment stimulates and nurtures the intuitive as well as the rational, the imaginative, as well as the practical, and the creative as well as the receptive functions of each individual
  • Carl Rogers
    • One of the founders of Humanistic Psychology
  • Abraham Maslow
    • One of the founders of Humanistic Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
    Emphasizes the mental process by which people and animals come to understand the world<|>Sensation and perception - the process by which the brain examines, screens and analyze incoming stimuli to find meaning in them - are forms of information processing
  • Ulric (Dick) Neisser
    • Father of Cognitive Psychology
  • Jean Piaget
    • One of the founders of Cognitive Psychology