Key Definition

Cards (44)

  • Anticyclone
    A system of high pressure, causing high temperatures and unseasonably high evaporation rates
  • Aquifer
    A permeable or porous rock which stores water
  • Channel Flow
    Water flowing in a rivulet, stream or river
  • Convectional Precipitation
    Solar radiation heats the air above the ground, causing it to rise, cool & condense forming precipitation (often as thunderstorms)
  • Cryosphere
    The global water volume locked up within a frozen state (i.e. snow and ice)
  • Depression
    A system of low pressure, with fronts of precipitation where low and high pressure air masses meet
  • Desalination Plant
    The conversion of seawater to freshwater, suitable for human consumption
  • Desublimation
    The change of state of water from gas to solid, without being a liquid (the opposite process to sublimation)
  • Drainage Basin
    The area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
  • Drainage Density
    The total length of all rivers & streams divided by the area of the drainage basin
  • Drought
    An extended period of deficient rainfall relative to the statistical average for the region (UN)
  • Economic Water Scarcity

    When water resources are available but insufficient economic wealth limits access to it
  • ENSO Cycles
    El Nino Southern Oscillations - naturally occurring phenomena that involves the movement of warm water in the Equatorial Pacific
  • Evapotranspiration
    The combined total moisture transferred from the Earth to the atmosphere, through evaporation and transpiration
  • Frontal Precipitation
    Where air masses of different temperatures meet at a front, one mass will be forced over another, causing precipitation beneath the front
  • Global Hydrological Cycle
    The continuous transfer of water between land, atmosphere and oceans. The Earth is a closed system
  • Groundwater Flow
    Water moving horizontally through permeable or porous rock due to Gravity
  • Hydrological Drought
    Insufficient soil moisture to meet the needs of vegetation at a particular time
  • Infiltration
    The movement of water vertically through the pores in soil
  • Integrated Drainage Basin Management
    Establishing a frame of coordinated efforts between administrations (e.g. local government) and stakeholders (e.g businesses) to achieve balanced management of a basin (World Bank)
  • Interception
    Raindrops are prevented from falling directly onto the ground, instead hitting the leaves of a tree
  • Meteorological Drought
    When long-term precipitation trends are below average
  • Monsoon
    The drastic variation between wet and dry seasons for sub-tropical areas, caused by a changed prevailing wind. Can lead to annual flooding
  • Open System
    A system affected by external flows and inputs (such as a drainage basin, or a sediment cell)
  • Percolation
    Water moving vertically from soil into permeable rock
  • Physical Water Scarcity
    A physical lack of available freshwater which cannot meet demand
  • Relief Precipitation
    Precipitation caused when air masses are forced to rise over high land, determined by the relief/ morphology of the land
  • River Regime
    The pattern of river discharge over a year
  • Runoff
    Water flowing over the surface of the ground eg. after precipitation or snowmelt
  • Salinisation
    Where salt water contaminates freshwater stores or soils, creating saline conditions and reducing human use/ consumption
  • Saltwater Encroachment
    The movement of saltwater into freshwater aquifers or soils. This may be caused by sea level rise, storm surges or over-extraction
  • Smart Irrigation
    Providing crops with a water supply less than optimal, to make crops resistant to water shortages
  • Storm Hydrograph
    Variation of river discharge over a short period of time (days)
  • Sublimation
    The change of state of water from solid to a gas, without being a liquid
  • Throughflow
    Water moving horizontally through the soil, due to gravity
  • Transpiration
    The process through which water evaporates through the stomata in plants' leaves
  • Water Budget

    The annual balance between inputs and outputs within a system
  • Water Conservation
    Strategies to reduce water usage and demand
  • Water Recycling
    The treatment and purification of waste water, to increase supply
  • Water Scarcity
    There are limited renewable water sources (between 500 and 1000 cubic metres per capita per year)