Cards (35)

  • Prokaryotic means
    *before, nucleus
    *no nucleus and organelles
  • eukaryotic means
    new nucleus
  • plasmid
    ring, specialized gene, and also used for resistance
  • nucleoid
    a dense region where dna is placed
  • DNA in prokaryotes
    circle and tangled
  • flagella
    long hairlike,used for movement
  • pili
    short hair-like used to attach to other cells, that's why bacteria don't share genes
  • nucleus
    where DNA is placed and controls the cell
  • nucleolus
    where ribosomes are synthesized
  • Golgi apparatus
    the packing center of the cell
  • lysosome
    breaks down cell's waste, janitor
  • perixosome
    digest fatty acids, peroxide
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough)
    where proteins are made
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (soft)
  • plasma membrane
    controls in and out of the organelles inside of the cell, protects
  • mitochondria
    powerhouse of the cell, makes atp
  • vesicles
    transport molecules
  • chromatin
    mixture of dna and proteins
  • histones
    protein molecules around which DNA is tightly coiled in chromatin
  • Microtubules
    made of protein tubulin, biggest
  • intermediate filaments
    middle size, keratin and actin
  • microfilaments
    thinnest of em all
  • when a word ends with "n" it is a
  • central vacuole
    storage where water was stored
  • chroloplast
    makes food, gives color for the leaves
  • green pigment for plants
  • cell wall
    for protection and structure
  • hypotonic
  • hypertonic solution

    a solution that causes a cell to shrink because of osmosis
  • ECM (extracellular matrix)

    supports cell regulation and signaling pathways
  • components of ecm
    collagen, proteoglycans, GAG's
  • fungi is ?
  • cell cycle
    series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide
  • every phase has checkpoints
  • PMAT
    prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase