foundation of life (9)

Cards (19)

  • cell- all living thing are made up one or more cell
  • unicellular organisms- living things that are made up of one cell only
  • macroscopic- multicellar organism
  • microscopic- unicellular organisms, on the other hand
  • robert hooke- he called it cells because they are like hollow
  • Anton van leeu- his improved simple microscope and Discover the tiny which is called animalcules
  • Robert brown- he discovered the presence of nucleus
  • Felix Dujardin- cell contain a gelatinous fliuds called sarcode
  • Johannes purkinje- coined the term protoplasm which pertains to living material
  • Rudolph albert- coined the term 'cytoplasm' from protoplasm
  • Theodor Schwann- discovered that animals are composed of cells
  • Mattias Schleiden- discovered that plants are composed of cells
  • Rudolph- cointained the statement omnis cellula e cellula
  • the cell theory- all livings are made of cell, the cell is the basic unit of life
  • modern theory- the energy of organisms is formed in the cells
  • francesco redi- an itallian in 1668
  • needham- in 1745 an english scientist also made a test to check the validity of spontaneous generation
  • lazzaro- he was convince by the experiment of needham
  • louis pasteur- in 1859, also did some test to cheek the truth behind the theory of spontaneous generation