a mechanism that governs internal biological rhythms
what is referred to as the master time keeper?
the SCN in the hypothalamus
how does the SCN work?
it receives light from the optic chasim allowing our biological clock to adjust to changing patterns of light
what did Decoursy do?
destroyed the SCN of 30 chipmunks then returned them to their natural habitat - their sleep wake cycle had disappeared after 80 days and most had been killed by predators as they were awake at night
what does the pineal gland do?
releases melatonin at night
strength of endogenous pacemakers
Morgan bred hamsters with SCNs of 20 hours. the SCN of these were put into normal 24 hour hamsters and their sleep wake cycle changed to 20 hours. - powerful influence
strength of endogenous pacemakers
Siffre - powerful influence ( go back to circadian rhythms)
what are exogenous zeitgebers referred to as?
time keepers
what are exogenous zeitgebers?
- environmental cues that help regulate the biological clock
what is the key zeitgeber for humans
what did cambell and murphy do?
15 ppts were awoken at various times by light being shone into the backs of their knees - deviation of 3 hours in their sleep wake cycle - light is powerful
what are other exogenous cues?
temp, social cues
at how many weeks do babies become trained in their sleep wake cycle?
weakness of exogenous zeitgebers
their influence may be exaggerated- people in arctic regions show normal patterns of sleep despite extended exposure to light - may be more influenced by endogenous pacemakers