Realigning elections and core voter parties - US

Cards (8)

  • what are the links between parties and their core voting coalitions?
    • both parties rely on core voter groups
    • realigning elections can damage this
    • parties aim to fuse together different but complementary groups
    • political juggling - radical policies
    • defect to abstention
  • who are the core voting groups and policies for the Republicans?
    • white evangelicals, older voters, social conservatives, gun owners, those in suburban areas, those fearful of large-scale immigration
  • who are the core voting groups of the democrats?
    • ethnic minorities, younger voters, social liberals, LGBTQ, urban dwellers, supporters of feminism and gun control
  • what is realignment?
    when a particular group of voters changes or realigns with a fresh political party pr candidate
  • What states realigned in the US elections between 1960 and to 1972?
    southern states
  • Why did southern states realign in the elections between 1960 to 1972?
    Civil rights issues - white working class men thought that the democrat party was leaving them behind
  • what states realigned in the elections between 1960 and 1980?
    coastal states - went blue
  • why did coastal states realign between 1960 and 1980?
    lots of minority groups in the area and people felt that the Republicans moved away from their anti-slavery past