Separate components and identify then, but is really expensive
Moving phase is a
Describe the process
Tube coiled up in an oven, stationary phase is a powder which is coated in a viscous liquid, sample is vapourised then injected, carried along by moving phase
What is the moving phase
Unreacted gas
Example of the moving phase
Helium or nitrogen
What is the stationary phase
Powder coated in a viscous liquid
Due to the moving phase
Itdoesn'tconsideraffinitybetweencomponents and the moving phase, but considersaffinitybetweencomponents and the stationary phase
If the stationary phase is polar, how can we have a high retention time
The componentmust be polar
Why is the long tube coiled up in an oven
To control the temperature
Cons of gas chroma
How to have a low retention time if the stationary phase is polar
Componentmust be non-polar which allows it to pass through the tube faster
What happens when molecules reach end of the tube
They are detected by a detector
What does the detector do
Produced a graph, gas chromatogram
What does the height of the peak show
How much is eluted
What does the width of the peak show
How long it has eluted for
What does the area tell us
What does the most abundant area tell us
More molecules pass through there
If the stationary phase is non-polar and the component is non-polar
Higher retention by the stationaryphase, greater retention time