Ways of Studying the Brain

    Cards (12)

    • (AO1) State what MRFI stands for and define it
      Functional magnetic resonance imaging
      • Detects blood flow in brain
      • Use magnetic fields + radio waves to detect changes in blood circulation = as a result of neural activity
      • High active areas of the brain need high amounts of blood, in comparison to low active areas which have lower blood supply
      • Pictures of brain are displayed on 3D FMRI image, highlights parts of brain active in specific mental processes.
    • (AO3) Give 2 strengths of FRMI
      (+) Good spatial resolution = (best - 1mm) specifically identifies active areas of brain + change in activation over time. Helpful with localisation of function = understand link between behaviour and area (Broca, Wernicke, prosopagnosia)

      (+) Non-invasive = doesn't require radiation or insertion of instruments. This causes people to be more willing = increase in brain scans = increase in data
    • (AO3) Give a limitations of FMRI
      (-) Requires patients to be still in which movement would cause unclear image. For example, children may need to be sedated = issues with consent.
    • State what EEG stands for and define it 

      • Collection of many electrodes attached to a cap, fitted onto scalp with conductive gel
      • Since neurons release electrical impulses, electrodes pick up signals in the form of different waves
      • Amplitude (size of wave) = intensity and frequency (distance between each wave) = speed of activation
      • Responsible for developing understanding of REM (dream) sleep.
      • Is associated with fast desynchronised activity = indicative of dreaming.
    • State what ERP stands for and define it
      Event related processes
      • Uses same technique as EEG
      • Measures electrical outputs while patients complete tasks e.g. looking at a stimulus and naming them.
    • Give a strength of EEG and ERPs
      (+) Non-invasive = no radiation or insertion of instruments and cheaper then FMRI = increases ppts = increases data = increasing overall understanding.
    • Give 2 limitation of EEGs and ERPs
      (-) Poor spatial resolution. Unable to provide information on deeper regions (e.g. hypothalamus) = limited in comparison to FMRI.
      (-) Uncomfortable electrodes attached to scalp = unrepresentative readings as patients discomfort may be affecting cognitive responses to situations.
    • State what PME stands for and define it (give case study)
      Post - mortem examination
      • Study brain of dead person who displayed particular behaviour when alive that suggested brain damage
      • This method successfully contributed to understanding of many disorders
      • Case study = Iverson examined brains of deceased schizophrenic patients. Found high concentration of dopamine in limbic systems compared to people without schizophrenia = highlights importance of such experiments.
    • Give a strength of PME
      (+) Detailed examination of anatomical and neurochemical aspects of the brain which is not possible with other techniques = alot of research into deeper brain regions.
    • Give 2 limitations of PME
      (-) Ethical issues = informed consent, did ppt provide consent BEFORE death? Many PME are carried out on patients with severe psychological deficits = cant provide full informed consent, YET a PME could be conducted. Ethical questions surrounding nature of investigation.

      (-) Extraneous factors may affect results. People die at different ages, death due to different reasons, medication, length of time between death and PME. Makes conclusions of research questionable.
    • Define spatial resolution
      Where activity happens (level of accuracy), exact location in space.
    • Define temporal resolution
      When activity happened (level of accuracy) - exact location in time