
Cards (10)

  • Define validity
    Whether a study measures what it claims to or not
  • What are the 8 types of validity
    Internal, external, face, temporal, population, ecological, content, concurrent
  • Define internal validity
    Refers to the test or measure being used.
  • Define external validity
    Refers to issues beyond the investigation.
  • Define face validity
    Whether a measure appears to test what it claims.
  • Define temporal (historical) validity
    Whether findings from a study in one era can be generalised to another era.
  • Define population validity
    Whether findings can be generalised to the target population.
  • Define ecological validity
    Whether findings can be generalised to real life situations.
  • Define content validity
    Content of measurement is appropriate for gathering data on a particular subject.
  • Define concurrent validity
    Whether measures will produce a similar score to other tests.