Sociology cannot be value free
- Objectivity is an ideal to strive for, but it is difficult to achieve.
- All scientists are prone to bias.
- Social Scientists are more prone because they are part of the subject matter they study.
- Sociologists should make their value position clear from the onset.
- Sociology is not value-free.
- Value position is expressed in choice of topic.
- The sociologists values may be expressed in the interpretation of findings.
Against the idea that sociology can be value free.
Sociologists should be committed to changing society.
Sociologists should declare "whose side they are on" which will usually be the side of the "underdog" those who are oppressed which means their views are seldom heard unlike the consensus views constructed by the powerful.
Values also penetrate different areas in the research process:
- Funding of the project- this creates obligations to the funding body which might lead to data bias.
- Choice of topic- affected by the value relevance of the research for example with feminists often undertaking research on gender issues.
- Choice of method determines the level of involvement of the researcher.
- Interpretation of data which is done within certain sociological frameworks.
Value freedom is a myth even amongst the physical sciences as all scientists are influenced by paradigms ( the concepts, methods , assumptions which form the basis of a particular area of knowledge).
These must inevitably influence research and the evaluation of conflicting findings acupuncture.
6) political alignment of sociological perspectives:
sociological theories are a product of social, political and historical periods. Most of the perspectives can be placed on the political spectrum and due the political nature of these theories it can be said that they are not value free.
Marxism.Functionalism. NR
- Gouldner argues that values cannot be separated from facts in sociology because of the domains of assumptions. Such assumptions affect the research methods chosen and the types of questions asked- hence Functionalists assume that society is based on value consensus and that existing institutions perform desirable functions. The domain assumptions of Marxists are very different. Such assumptions must have profound effects on the research process.
- Postmodernists make a number of points: Firstly they criticise the view that rationale, scientific thinking supported by quantifiable evidence is superior to any other way of understanding the social world ; and secondly it is impossible to produce any objective , value free knowledge as they are simply the viewpoint of one particular social group.