COR 015

Cards (26)

  • Philosophy
    Love of wisdom
  • Philosopher
    A lover of wisdom
  • Philosophy is defined as man's life-long search for his own meaning, value, and purpose
  • Man has knowledge of himself
  • Man's immediate response to questions about himself bears witness to his self-knowledge
  • Man does not ask himself who he is
  • Man does not ask himself what he is made of
  • Sources of man's knowledge about himself
    • Family
    • School
    • Church
    • Peers
    • Other groups
  • The knowledge that man has about himself comes from the society where he is born and reared
  • Man inherits knowledge from society
  • Conditioning
    A process through which man acquires knowledge and behavior
  • Every behavior and knowledge that man exhibits are results of conditioning by society
  • Man acquires his knowledge blindly, without question or thinking
  • Man believes and follows societal teachings rather blindly or maybe fearfully
  • Man is taught by society that he is a creation of God
  • Man learns from his parents that God is merciful
  • Man's inherited knowledge makes him at home with himself
  • Inherited knowledge provides a basis for interpreting experiences
  • Feeling secure and tranquil is a result of inherited knowledge
  • Three prehistoric philosophers
    • Pythagoras
    • Thales
    • Heraclitus
  • Pythagoras
    • Treated philosophy as a way of life
    • Emphasized contemplation
    • Believed in reincarnation
    • Contributed to Mathematics (Pythagorean theorem)
  • Thales
    • Considered the father of western philosophy
    • Regarded as one of the seven sages of ancient Greece
    • Claimed that everything is comprised of one single substance: water
  • Heraclitus
    • Claimed that everything is changing
    • Believed that the only permanent thing is change
  • The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of the principles, concepts, theories, and practices related to organizational behavior.
  • Organizational Behavior (OB) refers to how individuals behave within organizations or groups.
  • Individual differences refer to factors that influence individual behaviors such as personality traits, values, attitudes, beliefs, motivation, perception, learning styles, intelligence, creativity, and emotional intelligence.