An ecological niche - The role and position a species has in its environment
Obligate anaerobes cannot survive in oxygen-present environments
Photosynthetic prokaryotes are capable of photosynthesis while Animals, fungi and Archaea are not
Holozoic is a type of nutrition involving the ingestion of solid food, followed by internal digestion
The fundamental niche represents the full range of environmental conditions and resources an organism can possibly use, while the realized niche is the actual conditions and resources it uses
According to the competitive exclusion principle, no two species can occupy the same ecological niche indefinitely when resources are limiting.
Obligate aerobes require oxygen to survive, whereas facultative anaerobes can survive with or without it
Mixotrophic nutrition in some protists combines autotrophic and heterotrophic methods, allowing them to switch between photosynthesis and consuming other organisms.
Heterotrophs = consumers that internally digest the consumption of other organisms. Type of detritivores
Mixotrophs = mix of both eating styles- can produce its own food but also consume extra. Obligate=must consume both ways, Facultative=can use one or the other depending on what is present in environment
Saprotrophs are like heterotrophs/detritivores but they consume other organisms EXTERNALLY
An ecological niche has zones of tolerance that consider the ranges of conditions in which a species can live
A fundamental niche only considers all the physical zones of tolerance a species can habitat (optimistic view)
A realized niche considers the zones of tolerance a species can habitat without being outcompeted (realistic view)
Ecological niches are the roles a species fulfills in an ecosystem including the zone of tolerance for different biotic and abiotic variables.
Resource partitioning includes species showing adaptations specific to their niche to avoid competition/outcompete other species
Obligate aerobes need consistent O2 supply and include animals and plants
Obligate anaerobe would be killed by O2 and include some bacteria like clostridium tetani (tetanus bacterium)
Facultative anaerobes can use O2 if available/favorable and they include saccharomyces (yeast) or eschericia coli (gut bacterium)
Algae, plants, bacteria, prokaryotes and eukaryotic algae are capable of photosynthesis
Holozonic nutrition are for heterotrophs and allow nutrient absorption through consumption of foods that is then internally digested properly to be able to use the nutrients consumed.
Holozonic digestion also includes single-celled organisms such as amoeba without multi-organ digestive systems and are simply taken in by engulfment of the substance (endocytosis) before digestion in specialized vesicles.
Another heterotroph are saprotrophic digesters that secrete digestive enzymes into DOM for their important elements and nutrients to be broken down externally before they are consumed.
A mixotroph uses different and multiple nutritional sources (can be autotrophs AND heterotrophs). This population includes unicellular eukaryotic cells (protists) that are part of marine plankton
Facultative mixotroph can use both modes interchangeably
Obligate mixotroph must use both modes because one cannot be done to the extend of fulfilling ALL demands
Predators have eyes in front for depth perception, incredible speeds and specialized sense organs (ex. shark's smell) and some have chemicals to lure prey (pheromones) and toxins to kill them
Vines can climb tree trunks to access sunlight
Some plants have larger leaf surface areas to help plants in the shrub or floor layer of the forest to catch light
The "competitive exclusion principle states that two species cannot occupy the same niche if one species is better adapted to the niche than the other