Cards (16)

  • Monism - There is no distinction between God and the Universe.
  • Polytheism - The belief and worship of many gods.
  • Monotheism - The doctrine or belief in One Supreme God.
  • Atheism - Disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god.
  • Agnosticism - God cannot be known.
  • Worldview are beliefs
    used to understand the world
    and beyond.
  • Religion - comes from the Latin word ‘Religare’ - which means to bind fast together or to create a system of attitudes and beliefs.
  • Belief systems are the stories to define our personal reality.
  • Theism means that God or god’s created everything in the universe and is actively participating in all its activities.
  • Naturalism believes that all that exist is the material universe and there is no God behind it.
  • Deism believes that God or gods created the universe but is no longer participating in its activity.
  • Monotheism is a belief in one God.
  • Panentheism is a belief that God or gods are the inner spiritual essence of everything in the Universe.
  • Polytheism is a belief in many gods.
  • Sacred means something that possesses holiness.
  • Religious Rituals are religious rites which are the sacred customary ways of celebrating a religion or culture.