
Cards (13)

  • What was Ellis ABC model?
    Suggested that depression occurs when we have 
    An activating event( eg being fired)
    Leading to an irrational or rational belief as to why it happened
    Belief leads to consequence, which results in healthy or unhealthy emotion
  • Give a general evaluation of depression
    believes client is respsonsible for their actions, so they can take control. However, this means the therapist may ignore situational factors like financial problems
    applicable to CBT- depression is succesfully treated then this suggests negative thoughts play a role
    -: biological approach to consider!!- link between low levels of serotonin and a related gene to this is 10x more common in depressed people. 
    (Zhang et al 2005
  • Evaluate Ellis!!!!
    strengths: holistic approach- intergrates emotional,cognitive AND behavioural aspects jeewiz
    practical interventions- CBT targets irrational beliefs!!!!
    weaknesses tho:
    simplified-ignores complex interactions between cognitive biological and env factors 
    individual difference- not everyone responds uniformally to irrational beliefs
  • Evaluate Beck!!!!
    strengths: link to cognitive vulnerability- ways of thinking that may cause a person to become more depressed.
    real world application- Cohen et al found cognitive vulnerability allows psychologists to screen young people- applied in CBT
    weaknesses booooo
    overlooks biological factors!!! what about hormones??
    cultural variation- triad's universability across cultures is debatabale.
  • What is a limitation of Bates et al?
    research is correlational- so we cannot establish cause and effect. 
    negative thoughts cause dpression? or depression causes negative thoughts?
  • What did Bates et al(1999) suggest?
    found that depressed ppps who were giving negative automatic thought statements became more depressed.
  • How might a negative self schema be developed? 
    Parental/ peer rejection or criticism from teachers 
  • Negative self schemas are activated whenever the person _____ ____ ___ _____  the resembles the ____ ____ in which these schemas were ____
    Encounters a new situation, original condition, learned 
    NSS( expecting to fail) 
    new situation(exam) 
    OG( failing before) 
  • What did becks negative self schema look at? 
    That depressed people have acquired a negative self schema during childhood- a tendency to adopt a negative view of the world 
  • What did becks cognitive bias look at? 
    catastrophising and overgeneralising 
    Over generalising- making sweeping conclusions based on one single incident 
    Catastrophising- where they experience a minor setback and believe it’s a major disaster
  • What did becks conductive explanation of depression consist of 
    Cognitive bias, negative self schema, negative triad 
  • list the three most important irrational beliefs proposed by Ellis 
    I must be approved or accepted by people I find important 
    I must do well or very well, otherwise I’m worthless 
    The world must give me happiness, or I will die 
  • What else did Ellis add? 
    Mustabatory thinking- thinking that certain ideas or beliefs must be true in order for an individual to be happy.