Hitler wanted to indoctrinate the youth so that they would continue the Nazi rule and be the next generation
Nazi education:
Wanted girls to grow into wives and mothers (taught cooking, sewing)
Wanted boys to grow into workers and soldiers (military training)
PE was 15% of school time
Nazi views such as racial superiority, Hitler's power and Nationalism
Teachers were forced to join Nazi Teachers' alliance or be fired
Nazi youth groups:
Hitler Youth - physical training in camps, military training to build an army, training in Nazi ideology e.g racial purity
1936 - Hitler Youth made compulsory
League of German Maidens - trained to be housewives, taught Nazi ideology e.g only marrying Aryans
Youth group success:
Millions joined
Many children enjoyed the camaraderie
However, many hated the military aspects and joined other youth groups
Women in Nazi Germany:
Nazis wanted to undo the progress of the Weimar Republic
They wanted women to have traditional domestic roles
Kinder, Kuche, Kirche
Women and work:
Women bribed with bonuses and loans to leave work
1933 - women banned from professional posts
Discouraged from university
However, in 1937, Germany ran out of workers and had to let women go back to work
As a result, women workers increased to 14 million in 1939
Women's lives:
Organisations such as Women's front and Reich Mothers Service
Supposed to wear traditional clothing
Encouraged to keep fit and not smoke
Increasing birth:
Mothers Cross - a prize given out at different levels for women who had more children
Marred couples were given a 'marriage loan', of which a quarter was paid back for each child they had
Abortion and contraception were banned
Non-Aryans were forced to be sterilised
Lebensborn programme - gave benefits and homes to women who had children with SS men
Results of Nazi Women's policies:
1936 - 30% more births than in 1933
1939 - 21% more marriages than in 1933
Economy in 1933:
25% were unemployed
Economic depression had ruined trade, business, and production
The Four Year Plan:
Plan to change the economy to make Germany ready for war in four years
Arms spending increased by 22.5 billion marks and army grew from 100,000 to 900,000, between 1933 and 1939
Ways Nazis reduced unemployment:
National Labour Service (RAD)
Rearmsment and Conscription
Public works
Invisible unemployment
National Labour Service (RAD):
All 18-25 men had to join for 6 months
They built roads and buildings
However, conditions and pay were poor
Rearmament and Conscription:
The Nazis began this, which broke the TofV
1935, conscription introduced for 18-25 men
The army grew to 1.4 million
1935 - 72,000 workers in aircraft construction
Public works:
'Autobahn' project to build new motorways - by 1935 125,000 men employed in this
Nazis spent 38 billion marks per year by 1938 on public infrastructure
Invisible unemployment:
Women, Jews, and people in concentration camps weren't counted in statistics
Soldiers and part-time workers were counted as full-time
This was to skew statistics to make the Nazis look better
Results of economic policies:
Nazis claimed that they had fixed unemployment and it had dropped from 4.8 million to 300,000 by 1939
However, the Nazis manipulated and cheated the system to be able to announce statistics like this
Nazis tried to help workers through organisations like:
German Labour Front (DAF)
Strength Through Joy (KDF)
Beauty of Labour
German Labour Front (DAF):
Replaced Trade Unions
However, it increased working hours and didn't change pay
It took away workers' rights to leave their job or ask for higher wages
Strength Through Joy (KDF):
Ran social activities such as holidays and camps for workers
Promised to help workers pay for a car in installments, however all thus money went to rearmament
Beauty of Labour - Campaigned to improve facilities for workers
Did Nazis benefit workers?:
More workers, more wages, better conditions, fulfilled Hitler's promises to them
Price of goods increase negated wage increase, workers rights were lost, working hours increased
Nazi racial beliefs:
German is the 'master race'
They wanted a pure Aryan state, created by breeding Aryans and destroying minorities
Persecution of disabled:
Forcibly sterilised (400,000 by 1939)
Young people and children with disabilities were euthanised
Persecution of homosexuals:
1935 - laws against them
Arrested and sent to concentration camps
Persecution of gypsies:
Deported and sent to concentration camps
Threat to 'racial purity'
Persecution of Jews:
Only 1% of population was Jewish but Hitler wanted all of them gone
1st April 1933 - boycott of Jewish businesses
Sept 1935 - Nuremburg laws stated that they weren't citizens and couldn't marry Aryans
9 Nov 1938 - Kristallnacht: Nazis 'taking revenge' for a murdered Nazi by killing 100 Jews, destroying 191 Synagogues and attacking Jews/their property