localisation of function

    Cards (15)

    • holistic theory of functions:
      • all parts of brain are involved in processing of thought and action
    • localisation of functions:
      • different parts of brain perform different tasks
    • hemispheres of brain:
      • cerebrum divided into 2 hemispheres
      • lateralisation = some of psych and physical functions are controlled or dominated by particular hemisphere
      • activity on left hand side of body is controlled by right hemisphere and vice versa (contralateral wiring)
    • lobes of brain:
      • cerebral cortex is outer layer of both hemispheres
      • cortex at both hemispheres is subdivided into 4 lobes - each associated with different function
    • frontal lobe:
      • decision making, personality, emotion
    • motor cortex (both hemispheres): controls voluntary movements in opposite side of body
    • somatosensory cortex (sensory cortex): where sensory info from skin is represented
    • parietal lobe: spacial awareness
    • occipital lobe: each eye sends info from right visual field to left visual cortex and vice versa
      • if left side is damaged both right visual fields= impaired
    • auditory lobe: analyses speech based info
      • damage can lead to general hearing loss
    • language centres:
      • restricted to left hemisphere
      • broca's area (frontal area) - responsible for speech production. damage caused leads to broca's aphasia (slow and laborious speech)
      • wernicke's area (temporal lobe) - responsible for speech comprehension. damaged caused leads to wernicke's aphasia (meaningless words)
    • EVALUATION: neurosurgery evidence - linked to mental disorder
      • used for treating disorders by targeting specific areas
      • dougherty et al - 44 people with OCD had cingulotomy - post surgery follow up (32 weeks), 30% met criteria for successful response, 14% partial
      • successful procedures = behaviours associated with disorders are localised
    • EVALUATION: evidence from brain scans
      • petersen et al - brain scans show wernicke's area active during listening task, brocas during reading
      • tulving et al - semantic and episodic memories in different parts of prefrontal cortex
      • confirms localised areas, objective methods used = scientific evidence that functions are localised
    • EVALUATION: contradictory research evidence
      • lashley - removed areas of cortex (10-50%) in rats learning maze route
      • no area was more important in terms of ability to learn route - process of learning required every part of cortex
      • higher cognitive processes e.g learning aren't localised - distributed in holistic way
    • EVALUATION: language localisation questioned
      • dick and tremblay - 2% of researchers think language is controlled only by broca and wernicke's area
      • brain imaging techniques - neural processes studied with more clarity - distributed more holistically than first thought
      • not confined to 2 areas, may be organised holistically - contradicts localisation theory
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