hemispheric lateralisation +split brain research

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  • hemispheric lateralisation:
    • 2 hemispheres are functionally different and certain mental processes + behaviours controlled by 1 hemisphere
    • some functions the localised areas appear in both hemispheres e.g vision, other functions not e.g language
  • language lateralisation:
    • left hemisphere
    • right hemisphere can only produce basic words and phrases but contributes emotional context
  • motor cortex lateralisation:
    • both hemispheres
    • right hemisphere controls left movement vice versa (contralateral wiring)
  • vision:
    • contralateral and ipsilateral - each eye receives light from left and right visual field
    • LVF of both eyes connected to RH and vice versa
    • similar arrangement for auditory area
  • split brain research:
    • severing connection between right and left hemisphere (corpus collosum) - reduces epilepsy
    • studies show how hemispheres functions when they can't communicate
  • sperry's research:
    • 11 split brain patients
    • word or image presented to RVF (processed by left hemisphere) and vice versa
    • asked to respond to stimulus either verbally or with left/right hand
  • sperry's findings:
    • when presented to RVF participants could describe what was seen, couldnt do this if presented to LVF
    • if presented to LVF, could select a matching object using their left hand
  • EVALUATION: lateralisation in the normal brain
    • fink et al - PET scans to see which areas of brain are active during visual processing task in normal people
    • asked to attend to global elements - right more active, focus on specific details - left dominated
    • visual processing - hemispheric lateralisation is feature of normal and split brain
  • EVALUATION: one brain (oversimplified)
    • different functions in left and right, research says people dont have dominant side which creates a different personality
    • nielsen et al - analysed 1000 scans where they used certain hemispheres for task - no dominant side (artists/maths)
    • pop psychology notion of right and left brained people is incorrect
  • EVALUATION: generalisation issues
    • behaviour of sperrys sample compared to neurotypical group (no epilepsy) - CVs as observed differences may be result of epilepsy not split brain
    • sample size = very small
    • issues affect internal and external validity of findings