SCN = tiny bundle of nerves located in hypothalamus in each hemisphere
lies above optic chiasm - receives info about light, continues when eyes are closed
pineal gland + melatonin:
SCN passes info on day length + light to pineal gland
during night - pineal gland increase production of melatonin
increases in evening, peaks at middle of night, decreases in morning
DeCoursey et al:
destroyed SCN connections in 30 chipmunks, returned to natural habitats, observed for 80 days
sleep wake cycle dissapeared + large proportion were killed by predators
Ralph et al:
bred mutant hamster with 20 hour sleep wake cycle
SCN cells from foetal tissues were transplanted into normal hamsters, cycles defaulted to 20 hours
exogenous zeitgebers:
reset biological clock through entrainment = process of making something have same pattern as something else
absence of external cues = biological clock continues to 'tick' in cyclical pattern
sleeping/wakefulness determined by interaction of external/internal cues
main exogenous zeitgebers in humans
maintains sleep wake cycle, indirect influence on key processes (hormone secretion + blood circulation)
Campbell + Murphy:
light may be detected by skin receptor sites
15 people woken at different times, light pad shone on back of knees - deviation of sleep wake cycle up to 3 hours
light = powerful exogeneous zeitgeber + doesnt rely on eyes to reflect influence
social cues:
circadian rhythms begin at 6 weeks
by 16 weeks = rhythms are entrained by schedules imposed by parents e.g mealtimes
jet lag research:
adapting to local times for eating/sleeping instead of responding to own feelings = more effective way of entraining rhythm + beating jet lag
EVALUATION: interactionist system (cant be studied in isolation)
siffres study is rare -doesnt prevent entrainment due to artificial light, biological clock reset everytime lamp turned on
everyday life = pacemakers and zeitgebers interact, makes little sense to separate 2 for research
more researchers attempt to isolate influence of pacmaker - decrease validity
EVALUATION: ethics in animal studies
arguments that studies can be generalised as mammalian brains have similar structure - critics disagree with research due to ethics
DeCoursey et al - chipmunks subject to invasive procedure + exposed to risks and death
what we learn may not justify unethical procedures
EVALUATION: role of EZs is exaggerated
Miles et al - young man blind from birth , 24.9 circadian rhythm. exposure to social cues - didnt adjust rhythm, had to take sedatives + stimulants to keep pace
arctic regions - normal patterns despite prolonged exposure to light in summer
there are occasions when EZs have little bearing on rhythms