explaining OCD

    Cards (14)

    • behavioural characteristics of OCD:
      • compulsions - repetitive behaviours
      • avoidance - avoid situations that trigger anxiety
    • emotional characteristics of OCD:
      • anxiety and distress
      • depression
      • guilt and disgust
    • cognitive characteristics of OCD:
      • obsessive thoughts - recurring and unpleasant
      • cognitive coping strategies
      • insight into excessive anxiety - aware behaviour is irrational
    • Lewis:
      • 37% had parents with OCD
      • 21% had siblings with OCD
      • suggests vulnerability is inherited
    • diathesis stress model:
      • certain genes make people more likely to develop disorder
      • environmental stress is needed to trigger condition
    • candidate genes:
      • genes that create vulnerability
      • some are involved in regulation and transmission of serotonin
    • OCD is polygenic:
      • caused by a combination of genetic variation that increase vulnerability
      • Taylor - up to 230 genes associated with OCD
    • OCD is aetiologically heterogeneous:
      • origins of OCD vary from person to person
      • one group may cause disorder, another group in another person
      • different types may be result of genetic variations
    • neural explanations:
      • genes associated with OCD are likely to affect levels of neurotransmitters and structures of brain
    • serotonin:
      • helps regulate mood
      • low levels = no transmission of mood relevant information
      • low levels associated with OCD and other disorders
    • decision making in brain:
      • OCD associated with poor decision making
      • frontal lobe responsible for logical thinking + decision making
      • impairment of frontal lobe associated with OCD
    • EVALUATION: research support for genetics
      • Nestadt et al - twin studies and concordance rates, 68% MZ twins, 31% DZ twins - more genetically related = more likely to develop
      • person with OCD family member = 4x more likely to develop compared to someone without
      • there must be some genetic influence on development of OCD
    • EVALUATION - research support for neural
      • antidepressants working purely on serotonin effective in reducing symptoms
      • soomro et al - 17 study review, compared placebos to SSRIs in treatment - all studies showed better outcomes for SSRIs
      • provides support for role of neurochemistry, provides explanation with external validity due to real life applications
    • EVALUATION: environmental risk factors
      • strong evidence for neural and genetic factors - doesnt appear entirely genetic in origin, concordance rates for MZ arent 100%
      • cromer et al - half of OCD clients experienced trauma, OCD more severe with more traumas
      • neural and genetic factors only provide partial explanation, more hollistic explanation more appropriate
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