peer review + economy

Cards (6)

  • peer review:
    • before research becomes part of journal - must be subject to peer review
    • scrutiny by small group (2/3 in certain field)
    • conduct an objective review - unknown to author/researcher
  • aims of peer review:
    • allocate research funding, assess research rating of uni deps
    • validate quality/relevance
    • suggests amendments
    • judges significance of research
    • asses for originality
  • fraudulent research (cyril burt):
    • published results (twin studies) used to show intelligence is inherited
    • fabricated data, publicly discredited but not before it was used for social policy
    • used for 11-plus examinations - determines who enters grammar schools
  • criticisms:
    • anonymity - sometimes abused, rival researcher can criticise work of others they would be in competition with
    • publication bias - journal editors want to publish positive + headline grabbing results (filedraw problem) - not valid representation of findings
    • burying ground breaking research - established scientists more likely to approve research consistent to their on findings + suppress opposition to mainstream theories
  • attachment research:
    • childcare was seen as sole responsibility of mother, father = financial provider
    • research shows they are equally capable for support for psychological development
    • promotes better working arrangements - better equipped to maximise income + contribute more to economy
  • treatment of medical disorders:
    • absence from work costs economy £5b a year - 1/3 are caused by mild/moderate disorders e.g depression, anxiety
    • research increases diagnosis + treatment e.g SSRIs +CBT
    • sufferers able to manage condition effectively + return to work