Cell Structure and Functions

Cards (31)

  • The cell theory was formulated stating that all living things are structurally made up of cells
  • The cell theory states that the cell is the fundamental unit of life
  • Cells come from the division of preexisting cells
  • Main parts of all cells
    • Cell membrane
    • Cytoplasm
    • Nucleus
  • Cell membrane
    Separates the internal contents of the cell from its environment
  • Cell membrane
    • Phospholipid bilayer
    • Selectively permeable
    • Regulates passage of materials
    • Permits communication with other cells
  • The whole region within the cell membrane is the cytoplasm
  • Organelles perform their functions in the jelly-like substance called cytosol
  • Various metabolic reactions like protein synthesis and breakdown of sugar into ATP take place in the cytoplasm
  • Organic materials found in the cytoplasm
    • Glucose
    • Simple sugars
    • Polysaccharides
    • Amino acids
    • Nucleic acids
    • Fatty acids
  • Ions dissolved in the cytoplasm
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
  • Centrioles, cytoskeleton, and plastids are specialized organelles in the cytoplasm
  • The nucleus is the control center of the cell
  • The nucleus regulates and coordinates all activities of the cell
  • Chromosomes are found in the nucleus
  • DNA that make up the gene that bears the hereditary traits are found within the chromosomes
  • Basic organelles found in the cytoplasm
    • Mitochondria
    • Ribosomes
    • Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Golgi apparatus
    • Lysosome
    • Peroxisomes
    • Vacuoles
    • Centrosome
    • Cytoskeleton
    • Plastids
    • Cell wall
  • Mitochondria
    Sites for the breakdown of sugar molecules into ATP
  • Ribosomes
    Sites of protein synthesis
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

    Specializes in the transport of lipids and membrane proteins
  • Golgi apparatus
    Modifies, sorts, and packs macromolecules for secretion or transport
  • Lysosome
    Contains digestive enzymes for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
  • Peroxisomes
    Contain oxidative enzymes for oxidizing certain molecules
  • Vacuoles
    Large storage sacs in cells
  • Centrosome
    Consists of two rod-shaped centrioles
  • Cytoskeleton
    Provides the cell’s structural support
  • Plastids
    Large membrane-bound organelles found in plant cells
  • Chloroplast
    • Site for photosynthesis
  • Chromoplasts
    • Synthesize and store carotenoid pigments
  • Leucoplasts
    • Contain stored food
  • Cell wall
    Protects and supports the cells of the plants