social cognition

Cards (19)

  • explain social cognition
    involves how we interpret and use information to make judgements about others in different social situations
  • explain person perception
    mental processes we use to form impressions and draw conclusions about the personal characteristics of other people
    sometimes we make judgements on information that isnt accurate and is influenced by the situation and bias
  • halo effect is 

    a cognitive bias in which we form the impression that one quality is linked to their other qualities
  • non verbal communication
    body language and eye contact
  • what is an attribution
    the process by which people explain the causes of their own and other peoples behaviour
  • what are the 2 types of attrbutions
    internal - personal - personality , ability
    external - situational - fate , luck
  • what is the fundamental attribution error
    the tendency to overestimate the personal factors and underestimate the impact of situational factors of other people
  • what is an attitude
    an evaluation/judgement a person makes about an object , person or group
  • tricomponent of attitudes is
    A - affective , emotional reactions or feelings
    B - behavioural , how attitude is expressed through actions
    C - cognitive , beliefs we have
  • what is a stereotype
    a widely held generalisation about a group by fitting people into categories based on what we think we know about them , regardless if individual differences
  • what is cognitive dissonance
    psychological tension that occurs when thoughts vs behaviours
  • what is cognitive bias
    unconscious systematic tendencies to interpret information in a way that is neither rational nor based on objective reality
    confirmation bias - searching and accepting into that supports out beliefs
    actor observer - attributing our own actions to external causes while others to internal causes
    self serving - attributing positive success to internal character while failure to external factors
    false consensus - overestimate the degree which others share the same ideas as us
  • what is heuristics
    information processing strategies or mental shortcuts
  • what are the types of heuristics
    anchoring - making judgement based on first info received
    availability - form judgement based on info that is easily accessible
    representative - categorical judgement about an idea event or person based on similarity to another items in similar category
    affect - using emotions
  • what is prejudice
    prejudgement , holding a negative attitude towards members of a group based solely on their membership of that group
  • when do stereotypes become prejudice
    stereotypes are the thoughts we have about people (cognitive) while prejudice are the more reflexive feelings that result from streyotpes towards them (affective)
  • what is discrimination
    an action/behaviour
    the unjust treatment of people due to their membership within a social category
    direct - person treated unfavourably because of personal characteristic
    indirect - treating everyone the same disadvantages some people
  • what is stigma
    the feeling of shame or disgrace experienced by an individual for a characteristic that differs them from others
    stereotypes often cause widespread stigma
    social stigma - negative stereotypes as they come to define people and prevent them from being seen as an individual
    self stigma - the internalisation of negative stereotypes and can lead to poor self efficiency and low self esteem
  • prejudice , discrimination , stigma influence on mental wellbeing 

    cause indiviudals to feel alienated and excluded from society
    damage and worsen self image and self confidence
    experince stress
    rumnination (ovethtinking)