1. Identify the projection
2. Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
3. Central ray positioning
8. Identify medullary cavity
9. Determine lordotic position distance
10. Identify compact bone
12. Identify horizontal lobe
13. Identify largest carpal bone
14. Identify projection type
15. Identify largest sesamoid bone
16. Determine central ray direction
17. Assess bronchus orientation
19. Identify skeleton type
20. Determine central ray for abdomen
21. Identify x-ray projection
22. Locate foreign body likelihood
23. Determine angulation for Lordotic imaging
24. Identify fracture type
25. Identify patient position
27. Identify projection type
28. Identify abdominal series projection
29. Define pneumoperitoneum
30. Identify wrist radiography plane
31. Define torus fracture
32. Identify first digit view
33. Describe distal radius fracture
34. Determine digit rotation for PA Oblique
36. Identify projection type
38. Determine central ray for first digit
39. Determine patient obliquity for cardiac series
40. Assess body habitus population percentage
41. Determine IR positioning for chest projections
42. Identify Hypersthenic body habitus
43. Define lateral position naming
44. Identify metacarpal fracture
47. Classify digits as long bones
48. Determine central ray entry for digits
49. Determine hand position for first digit
50. Identify elevated digits for PA oblique
51. Identify midsagittal plane
52. Count axial skeleton bones
53. Determine IR centering for abdomen
54. Count appendicular skeleton bones
55. Define anatomic position
57. Identify common fracture site
58. Define cephalad angling
59. Define visceral covering
60. Identify PA upright projection advantage
61. Identify anatomic snuff box
62. Define trachea bifurcation
63. Identify Hypersthenic stomach position
64. Define KUB abbreviation
65. Identify Fowler position
66. Identify organ not in abdominal cavity
67. Define decubitus positioning
69. Identify wrist surface in contact with IR
70. Identify sagittal plane