world religions

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  • Every individual sees and interprets the world quite different from one another
  • Worldview
    A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by people
  • Social environment and upbringing are critical in the development of a religious life
  • Belief in god or gods is found in almost all religions
  • Religion has existed for several thousand years of human existence
  • Human life may have produced hundreds of religions and belief systems
  • There could be more unknown than known religions in the world since recorded history covers only a fraction of human existence
  • Beliefs related to religion
    • Belief in a deity
    • Belief in a deity's relationship with the world
    • Places and people believed to be holy and sacred
    • Ways to worship a deity
    • Rules followed as a result of beliefs
  • Kinds of belief systems or worldviews
    • Monism
    • Polytheism
    • Monotheism
    • Atheism
    • Agnosticism
  • Monism
    No real distinction between god and the universe
  • Polytheism
    The belief and worship of many gods
  • Monotheism
    The doctrine or belief in one supreme god
  • Atheism
    Disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god
  • Agnosticism
    Belief that god cannot be known
  • Theism
    A belief in the existence of one god viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world
  • Monotheistic religions claim that there is only God who could have designed and created the universe
  • Modern-day examples of monotheistic religions include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • Polytheistic religions recognize many principal gods among whom no one is supreme
  • Examples of ancient polytheistic religions
    • Ancient religions of Egypt
    • Greece
    • Rome
  • Religion
    An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • Religio
    Refers to something done with overanxious or scrupulous attention to detail
  • Religare
    Latin verb meaning "to tie together, to bind fast"
  • Religion was used to designate formal belief systems and tenets
  • Social scientists' views on religion
    • Edward Burnett Taylor
    • James George Farzer
    • Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
    • David Emile Durkheim
  • Edward Burnett Taylor's view on religion
    The belief in spiritual beings
  • James George Farzer's view on religion
    A propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man
  • Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski's view on religion

    A body of self-contained acts being the fulfillment of their purpose
  • David Emile Durkheim's view on religion
    A unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
  • Theology
    A formal study of a particular religious tradition
  • The term Theology originated from the Christian tradition
  • Theology
    The formal systematic attempt to give a rational explanation of the beliefs and practices of a religious institution
  • Theology is done by insiders, as practitioners of a religion
  • Religious studies
    An academic study of religion that differs from theology
  • Religious studies include fields such as history of religions, philosophy of religion, psychology of religion, sociology of religion, and anthropology of religion
  • Philosophy of religion
    The philosophical study of the nature and meaning of religion
  • Psychology of religion
    Attempts to explain religious behavior using current theories in psychology
  • Sociology of religion
    Describes religious phenomena in terms of their function in human societies
  • Religious anthropology
    Studies the cultural significance of religious experiences, ideas, and institutions