- eating disorder characterized byrefusal to maintain healthy body weight, intense fear of gaining weight, and distorted body image
- starvation, excessive exercise, laxatives, vomiting, purging, dieting, calorie counting, etc nonstop pursuit to be skinny
- dread eating, gaining weight, body image, intense stress
-3 types anorexia: *restricting* (dieting, exercise); *purging* (vomit, laxatives); *atypical* (not underweight-maybe healthy, but same obsessions and symptoms)
-causes: psychological (perfectionist, want to be good, people pleaser), family/social (cultural pressures), biological (genetics)
-risk factors: body dissatisfaction, strict dieting, low self esteem, troubled family relationships, sexual/physical abuse, trauma, family history, emotional difficulties, etc.
-effects: organ failure, anemia, brittle hair, foggy memory, depression, hormonal changes, bone loss, etc.
-treatment: medical+nutritional treatment, psychotherapy, stay away from triggers, get back to healthy weight, eat more food+better relationship with food, change mentality about self and food