science: discovering the physical and natural world systematically and objectively using empirical methods such as observation and experimentation
wundt wanted to use the controlledempirical scientific research techniques used by the physical sciences to study the mind
before wundt the study of the mind was limited to philosophy and medicine
set up the first psych lab in leipzig, germany 1870s
first person to call himself a psychologist
produced one of the first psych books
produced first academic journal that published psychological experiments
what did wundt’s scientific methods result in?
it helped establish psychology as an independent field of scientific research
he trained many students that went on to be psychology professors in top unis in america, europe, russia, spreading wundt’s scientific methods
wundts research was called structuralism
an attempt to uncover the hidden structure of the mind by describing it in terms of its simplest definable components
his work focused on structure of sensation and perception
what experimental method did he use in his research?
introspection: the first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up consciousawareness into basic structures of thoughts, images and sensations
psychology: the scientific study of the mind, behaviour and experience
process of introspection
participants trained to report conscious experiences as objectively as possible
participants asked to focus on a sensory object, often a ticking metronome
participants would systematically report their experience of object by breaking thoughts into separate elements; participants would focus inward and report sensations, feelings and images
wundt carefully controlled the experimental conditions and environment
he also developed general theories of mental processes based on the experimental data collected
introspection is not a direct observation of mental processes; wundt made inferences, which means making a guess or an assumption on the structure of internalmental processes based on observed behaviour
with enough observations of people all behaving in the same way in an experiment, researchers make inferences about the processes that may be driving their behaviour
but they are educated guesses, so researchers' assumptions may be incorrect