humanistic approach

Cards (15)

  • What does the emphasis on free will suggest about personal choices?
    It suggests that individuals have conscious control over behaviour
    all humans have free will and are motivated to achieve their potential and self actualize
  • What was Maslow interested in regarding human behavior?
    Maslow was interested in what could go right with people, focusing on personal growth.
  • What are the levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
    1. Physiological needs (e.g., water, food, sex)
    2. Safety needs (security of family, health, employment)
    3. Love and belonging (friends, family, sexual intimacy)
    4. Esteem (self-esteem, confidence, respect of and by others)
    5. Self-actualization (the drive to reach one's true potential)
  • How does Maslow's hierarchy of needs progress?

    Progress through the hierarchy occurs in order, with each level needing to be fulfilled before moving to the next.
  • What is self-concept according to the study material?
    Self-concept is how we perceive ourselves as a person.
  • What are the two basic needs claimed by Rogers?
    The two basic needs are positive regard from others and a feeling of self-worth.
  • What is congruence in the context of self-worth?
    Congruence is the consistency between a person’s ideal self and how they perceive themselves in real life. (self concept)
  • How does congruence affect feelings of self-worth?
    The greater the congruence, the higher the feelings of self-worth.
  • What does Rogers believe is necessary for good self-worth?
    Rogers believes that unconditional positive regard from people is necessary for good self-worth.
  • What are conditions of worth according to Rogers?

    Conditions of worth are a set of conditions imposed on an individual's behaviour that are considered necessary to earn positive regard from others, the person will only have self-acceptance if these are met.
  • How do humanistic therapists address conditions of worth?
    • Show acceptance and positive regard regardless of behavior
    • Help individuals dissolve their conditions of worth
    • Encourage individuals to be more true to themselves
  • Humanism is it is a more holistic approach as it doesnt break down complex behaviour into one fundamental factor,whilst approaches like biological and behavioural are criticised for simplifying the complexity of human behaviour The humanistic approach argues subjective experience can be understood by studying teh whole person taking into a range of influences on behaviour.
    , this demonstrates it takes into account the complexity of humans.
    which strengthens the validity of the theory
  • -Humanistic approach uses concepts which cannot be measured scientifically. For example the term self actualisation is vague
    -This reduces the effectiveness of the theory as without experiment evidence it because difficult to test the validity
    Some studies shown personal growth as result of having humanistic counselling but these do not show objective evidence that the therapy was the cause of these changes
    • This therefore hinders the approach as it means of it cannot be scientifically measured and the validity of the approach is reduced.
  • Ignores cultural differences 
    The needs may be different or in a different order depending on the country 
    For example in china belonging needs were found as more fundamental than physiological needs
    Studies have confirmed differences in how people may define the categories, therefore it lacks populational validity
    1. One assumption of humanistic psychology is the importance of the individual 
    2. Carl Rogers asserted this idea in his client centred therapy with unconditional positive regard used by therapist in assessment +treatment of client to dissolve conditions of worth which are stopping them from having self-acceptance 

    3. Non-directive-encouraged to discover their own solutions in a warm and supportive environment
    With the goal to reduce the gap between self concept and ideal self (congruence) and to achieve personal growth and self-actualistaion