The birth of nazism (Emergeance)

Cards (54)

  • Trotsky
    Disagreed with Lenin over his communist ideas, believing they would allow a leader to become a dictator
  • Marxism-Leninism
    What Stalin himself had to say about certain issues
  • Stalin rejected the goal of socialist democracy

    Instead established a one-party state
  • Fascism
    • Described as ultra-nationalism
    • Committed to the destruction of all independent parties and working-class organizations
  • Fascism was founded in Italy in 1915 by members of Mussolini’s party
  • Fascism could have been around earlier due to reactions against 18th-century liberal ideas of the Enlightenment and 19th-century positivism
  • Difference between fascist regimes
    Their racist qualities
  • Authoritarian regime
    Arises when conservative regimes impose undemocratic measures to neutralize mass political organizations
  • This definition of authoritarian regime could be propaganda from America in the 50s and 60s (Cold War)
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated
    9 November 1918
  • A new socialist government under Friedrich Ebert signed an armistice to end the war in November 1918
  • The new socialist government drew up a democratic constitution in 1919 in the town of Weimar
  • Many Nationalists saw the new government
    As a betrayal
  • Treaty of Versailles consequences for Germany
    • Lost 13% of its territory
    • Lost all its colonies
    • Restricted military forces
    • Demilitarised Rhineland
    • Land given to Poland, dividing East Prussia
  • Treaty of Versailles consequences
    Caused many ethnic Germans to live outside its borders
  • Treaty of Versailles consequences
    Caused Germany to claim responsibility for the entirety of WWI and Inflation
  • Weimar Constitution
    Based on proportional representation
  • The Spartacus League attempted to overthrow the Republic in January 1919
  • Communists caused trouble in 1920 and 1923
  • Military coups troubling the republic

    • Kapp Putsch of March 1920
    • White Terror of 1920-22
  • In 1923, the French and Belgians invaded the Ruhr

    After Germany could not meet demands for reparations
  • The government overprinted money

    Created hyperinflation due to lack of production
  • The loss of value in savings caused lasting damage, relying on the Dawes Plan of 1924
  • The USA had to recall its loans in 1929
    The party which would fall under Hitler’s rule
  • Hitler was sent to spy on left-wing political groups for the authorities but found the NSDAP interesting and decided to join
  • Hitler's contributions to NSDAP
    Gave the party a new name, its drive, and a 25-point program
  • By the end of 1923, the party had 55,000 members
  • Hitler was inspired by Mussolini’s 1922 March on Rome
    On November 8, 1923, the Nazis interrupted a political meeting in a Munich beer cellar
  • Hitler forced Bavarian leaders

    To agree to his plan to march on Berlin and establish a government
  • On November 9, Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff led 2000 Nazis through Munich, before getting caught in fire
  • Hitler was arrested on 11 November
  • In 1924, the Nazis changed tactics

    By tightening party discipline and contesting Reichstag elections
  • The SS was founded in 1925-26 as Hitler’s bodyguard
  • New party organizations were created for women, students, the youth, and teachers
  • By December 1929, membership had risen to 178,000
  • After the Great Depression
    The “Grand Coalition” became powerless as unemployment soared from 2 million in 1929 to 6 million in 1932
  • Soaring unemployment fueled fire for the Nazis
    They claimed to be a national party that would keep out communism, uphold law and order, return to traditional middle-class values, and restore national strength
  • In the 1928 elections, Nazis obtained 12 seats
  • In the elections of September 1930, the Nazis obtained 107 seats