
    Cards (12)

    • Central nervous system involves complex processing of the brain for all conscious and unconscious processing and spinal cord which receives and transmits information and Some reflex processing.
    • Peripheral NS is body wide network of messenger neurons sensory (Afferent) take info into the CNS and motor (efferent) neurons take info away from the CNS.
    • Autonomic NS part of the PNS that controls actions of internal glands is a involuntary system
    • Somatic NS is part of the PNS that controls skeletal muscles. It is voluntary
    • Sympathetic system which is part of the ANS increases bodily activitys as it relaxes noradrenaline and activates fight of flight mode. It leads to dilution of pupils , increase heart rate and increase breathing rate
    • Parasympathetic part of the ANS decrease bodily activities and releases acetylcholine activates in rest and leads to constriction of pupils decrease breathing and heart rate
    • Homeostasis is maintained usually so it means our internal enviro,ent is regulated by a balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
    • HNS body wide system of nerve cells that collects information from the world, processes info and then takes action by directing organs and muscles via the transmission of the electro chemical messages.
    • Sensory, relay, motor
    • Sensory neurons detect sensations at sensory receptors, action potential travel across nerve passing along the myelinated axon and then the electrical signal is converted into a chemical signal to cross the synapse
    • Relay neurons has the function of after synaptic transmission a new action potential forms in the dendrites , this neurons is in the spine and sends a signal to the CNS but also immediately sends a signal along its axon and to the motor neurone.
    • Motor neurone has the function of detecting the signal from the relay neurone via synaptic transmissions and passes this signal along its own myelinated axon to stimulate an effector
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