free will & determinism

Cards (10)

  • free will states that human beings are self determining and doesn't deny biological or environmental factors
    • e.g. humanistic approach
  • determinism means that free will doesn't cause behaviour
  • hard determinism
    = all behaviour has a cause so should be identified
    • everything we think & do is done by internal and external force
    • a.k.a fatalism
  • soft determinism
    = put forward by James (1980)
    • things determine our behaviour but we still have freedom to make conscious decisions
  • biological determinism
    • linked to biological approach
    • e.g. automatic NS on stress response / influence of genes on mental health
  • environmental determinism
    • Skinner said freewill is an illusion & behaviour is due to conditioning
    • experience of choice is just the reinforcement of what happens around us
  • psychic determinism
    • Freud agreed with the illusion statement made by Skinner
    • also mentioned biological drives and instincts
    • behaviour is caused by unconscious conflicts from childhood
  • AO3 :)
    • free will is practical value so if you do it daily it improves mental wealth
    • Roberts et al. (2000) = teens who believed in determinism were more likely to be depressed
  • AO3 :(
    • brain scans supports determinism, not free will
    • Libet et al (1983) : ppts choose random time to flick wrists & say if it's conscious
    • those who said unconscious = brain got ready half a second before
  • AO3 :(
    argument of hard determinism won't work with the law in court