EWT-cognitive interview

Cards (4)

  • Cognitive interview - EWT
    • Fisher and Geiselman et al (1992) – eyewitness testimony could be improved with better interview techniques:
    • Report everything – including irrelenvant details since they could trigger something important.
    • Reinstate context- original scene created mentally/physically to recreate the context.
    • Reverse order- prevents reporting expectations of how events must have happened, preventing dishonesty.
    • Change perspective- disturbs the effect of expectations of the schemas effect
  • Cognitive interview - EWT
    • Enhanced cognitive interview-
    • Fisher et al (1987)- focused on the social dynamics of the interview:
    • Eye contact
    • Slow speaking
    • Open-ended questions
    • Low distractions
    • All to reduce anxiety and calm the participants.
  • Cognitive interview - EWT
    CPS- Support for effectiveness – 41% more accurate recall than standard interview – Köhnken et al 1999.
    CPW- Köhnken also found that it increases inaccurate information - main only the enhanced cognitive interview.
  • Cognitve interview - EWT
    W- Milne and Bull (2002)- reporting everything and reinstating the context uses to gather make the best recall- confirming the polices suspicions that some are more useful than others.
    W- Ken bell and Wagstaff (1997) – takes longer to train/do and requires special training, making the full cognitive interview not realistic for the police to use.