multi-store model AO1

Cards (17)

  • Who developed the Multi-Store Model of Memory (MSM) and in what year?
    Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin in 1968
  • What are the three memory stores in the Multi-Store Model of Memory (MSM)?
    • Sensory Register
    • Short-Term Memory (STM)
    • Long-Term Memory (LTM)
  • How is information transferred between the memory stores in the MSM?
    Through specific processes such as attention and rehearsal
  • What is the function and capacity of the Sensory Register?
    • Function: Holds information from the senses briefly
    • Capacity: Very large, continuously receiving sensory information
  • What is the duration of information in the Sensory Register?
    Information remains for a very short time (1-2 seconds)
  • What happens to most sensory information in the Sensory Register?
    Most sensory information is not attended to and quickly decays
  • What is the role of attention in the MSM?

    • Role: Focuses on information from the Sensory Register to transfer it to STM
    • Importance: Crucial for remembering information
  • What is the function and duration of Short-Term Memory (STM)?
    • Function: Temporarily holds information for immediate tasks
    • Duration: 1-18 seconds but prone to decay unless rehearsed
  • What is the capacity of STM, and what happens if it's exceeded?
    • Capacity: Limited; typically 7±2 items
    • Outcome: New information can displace old information in STM
  • What is maintenance rehearsal in STM?
    • Process: Repeating information to keep it in STM
    • Outcome: Can lead to the creation of long-term memories if repeated enough
  • What is the relationship between maintenance rehearsal and Long-Term Memory (LTM)?
    The more information is rehearsed in STM, the stronger the memory in LTM
  • What is the function and capacity of Long-Term Memory (LTM)?
    • Function: Stores information indefinitely
    • Capacity: Unlimited
  • Why do we forget information in LTM according to the MSM?
    Forgetting is often due to poor encoding into LTM rather than actual loss of the memory
  • What is retrieval in the context of MSM?

    • Process: Accessing information from LTM through STM for use
  • what is the duration and encoding method of the Sensory Register?
    Duration: 1-2 seconds.
    Encoding: Sense-specific (e.g., visual for eyes, acoustic for ears).
  • How does STM encode information?
    Primarily auditory (by sound).
  • How does LTM encode information?
    Primarily semantically (by meaning), but can also encode visually and auditorily.