Presentation of Data

Cards (11)

  • Draw a scattergram
  • Draw a Bar Chart
  • Draw a histogram
  • Draw a distribution curve.
  • What is a positive skew distribution?
    When most of the distribution is concentrated towards the left of the graph and there is a long tail on the right.
  • In a positive skew distribution curve what effect will extreme values have?
    Extreme values will increase the mean
  • In a positive skew distribution curve rank these lowest to highest in terms of score:
    • Mode
    • Mean
    • Median
    Mode, median then mean
  • In skewed distribution curves what is the Y axis always?
    It is always the frequency
  • What is a negative skew distribution?
    When most of the distribution is concentrated towards the right of the graph meaning there is a long tail on the left.
  • In a negative skew distribution curve what effect will extreme values have?
    The extreme scores will decrease the mean
  • In a negative skew distribution curve rank these lowest to highest in terms of score:
    • Mode
    • Mean
    • Median

    Mean, median then mode