Cards (12)

  • what is hemispheric lateralisation?
    when specialised areas of the brain are found in one of the brains hemispheres rather than both
  • who studied split brains?
    Sperry - sought to demonstrate that the two hemispheres were specialised for certain functions and could perform tasks independently of one another
  • What was Sperry’s procedure?
    participants were positioned so an image could be flashed up in their left or right visual field
  • Describing what you see findings
    object shown to right visual field they can name it
    in left visual field they couldn’t name it
  • recognising by touch findings
    could not name the object in their left visual field but could select a matching object using their left hand
  • composite words procedure
    each visual field was presented with a different word that formed a word when combined. Asked to say the word and draw it using left hand
  • composite words findings
    draws what is shown in the left visual field but says what is shown in right visual field
    LH dominated verbal description
    RH dominated drawing
  • matching faces procedure
    shown composite picture made of two different halves of a face. asked to verbally describe what they saw then pick a matching picture
  • matching faces findings
    verbally describe they would describe face on the right
    select the picture they would chose the one that matched the left
  • which hemisphere is responsible for recognising faces?
  • Strengths of split brain research
    Shows lateralised brain functions -the LH is analytical and verbal, the RH is adept at spatial tasks and music, useful for brain damage
    methodology used - standardised procedures, controlled lab experiment. High internal validity
  • limitations of Sperry’s research
    only 11 participants, lacks population validity and not generalisable
    all had history of seizures, control group was 11 without history of epileptic seizures - could be confounding variable
    Some patients corpus callosum had been severed more than others - participant variables