origins of psychology

    Cards (13)

    • 17th-19th century

      branch of philosophy called experimental philosophy
    • 1879 - Wilhelm Wundt
      opened the first psychology lab in Germany
    • Introspection - Wilhelm Wundt
      - Where a person gains knowledge about their own mental and emotional states.
      - He did this by recording his colleagues and his own conscious thoughts.
    • Strengths of introspection
      - Some of the methods were systematic and well-controlled
      - He used standardised procedures
    • Weaknesses of introspection
      - Participants self-reported their mental processes which meant it was subjective
      - Participants may have hidden thoughts
      difficult to establish laws of behaviour
    • 1900s
      - Freud emphasises the influence of the unconscious mind on behaviour and develops person-centred therapy
      - This showed that physical problems can be explained by the brain
    • 1913 - John Watson and Skinner

      - Criticised Introspection saying it wasn'5 objective enough
      - They used scientific methods to show that behaviours are learnt
    • Strengths of a scientific approach
      - Modern psychology is scientific which means it has become a scientific discipline
    • Weaknesses of a scientific approach
      - Not all methods use objective methods
      - Humanistic approach refers to subjective experience
      - psychodynamic approach refers to case studies and cannot be generalised
    • 1950s - Carl Rogers and Abraham Moslow
      - Develop a humanistic approach that emphasises the importance of of self-determination and freewill
    • 1960s - Alberta Bandura
      proposes the social learning theory
    • 1980s onwards

      the biological approach begins
    • eve of 21st century

      Due to technological advancements cognitive neuroscience emerges, which refers to studying how biological structures influence mental states