comparisons : explanation and treatment

    Cards (6)

    • behaviourist approach

      It sees abnormality as being due to maladaptive learning in which destructive patterns of behaviour have been reinforced.

      Behaviour therapies like systematic desensitisation have been used to treat phobias.
    • SLT
      It has had little application but the principle of modelling and observational learning can explain how negative behaviours are learned through dysfunctional role models.
    • psychodynamic approach
      It explains anxiety disorders as being a result of unresolved conflict (childhood trauma and overuse of defence mechanisms).

      Psychoanalysis has had some success as a therapy but it isn't suitable for everyone (mild mental health disorders).
    • cognitive approach

      It has been used successfully in the treatment of abnormal behaviours such as depression (CBT).
    • biological approach

      It has had a huge impact on the treatment of mental health disorders through the development of drug therapies which regulate chemicals in the brain.
    • humanistic approach
      Therapies such as counselling have been effective as they close the gap between the self-concept and the ideal self to enable personal growth