biological rhythms: infradian & ultradian rhythms

Cards (23)

  • infradian rhythm
    A type of biological rhythm that takes longer than 24 hours to complete
  • examples of infradian rhythms
    menstrual cycle & seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • menstrual cycle
    it is an endogenous pacemaker but it may be influenced by exogenous zeitgebers
  • seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
    a depressive disorder which has a season pattern of onset which is diagnosed as a mental health disorder in the DSM-5
  • menstrual cycle: Stern & McClintock (1998)

    - 29 women with irregular periods
    - samples of pheromones were gathered (via the armpit on cotton pads worn for at least 8 hours) from 9 of the women at different stages of their cycles
    - the pads were treated via alcohol and frozen , then rubbed on the upper lip of the ppts
    - on day 1 , pads from the 1st day were applied to the 20 women and so on
    - found that 68% of women experienced changes to their cycle which brought them closer to the cycle of their 'odour donor'
    - shows how menstrual cycle;les can synchronise as a result of female pheromones
  • main symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
    - persistent low mood
    - general lack of activity and interest in life
  • Why can SAD be referred to the 'winter blues'?

    It is triggered during the winter months due to the lack of daylight
  • What is SAD caused by?
    at night the pineal gland secretes melatonin until the morning , however during winter the lack of light in the morning means the secretion of melatonin continues for longer period of time
  • AO3: evolutionary basis of the menstrual cycle (strength)
    - thought to have evolutionary value as it may have been advantageous for females to menstruate together and fall pregnant at the same time
    - so that the babies can be cared for collectively within a social group that was increasing the chances of the offspring's survival
  • AO3: practical application to SAD (strength)
    - effective treatment for SAD is phototherapy (light box that simulates strong light in the morning & evening) which is thought to reset melatonin levels and relives symptoms in up to 60% of sufferers
  • What did the same study on effective treatment for SAD find?
    It recorded a placebo effect of 30% using a 'sham-negativeion generator' which doubts the chemical influence of phototherapy
  • AO3: evolutionary basis of the menstrual cycle (weakness)
    - validity has been questioned of the evolutionary approach
    - Schank (2004) = suggests that if too many women menstruate together that would cause competition for male
    - it would suggest that the avoidance of synchrony would be most adaptive evolutionary strategy and therefore naturally selected
  • AO3: methodological limitations of synchronisation studies (weakness)

    - many factors which can affect change in a woman's menstrual cycle ( stress , changes in diet , exercise) and they may act as a confounding variable
    - this means that the supposed patterns of synchronisation seen by McClintock is no more than would have been expected to occur by chance
    - also there were small samples of women used and they use self-report methods which may conflict with the validity of the study
  • Trevathan (1993): findings

    Failed to find any evidence of menstrual synchrony in their samples
  • ultradian rhythm
    a type of biological rhythm that takes less than 24 hours to complete
  • example of the ultradian rhythms
    sleep cycle
  • stage 1 & 2 of the sleep cycle
    - light sleep where the person is easily woken
    - brainwave patterns become slower & more rhythmic (alpha waves)
    - patterns become even slower as sleep gets deeper (theta waves)
  • stage 3 & 4 of the sleep cycle
    - delta wave which are even slower and have greater amplitude
    - deep sleep or slow wave sleep
    - difficult to rouse a person
  • stage 5 of the sleep cycle
    - the body is paralysed
    - brain activity speeds up to the extent it resembles the awake brain
    - Rapid Eye Movement (REM) reflect the fast , jerky activity of the eyes at this point
    - highly correlated with the experience of dreaming
  • AO3: improved understanding (strength)

    - research into ultradian rhythms has led to improved understanding of age related changed in sleep
    - sleep scientists observed that sleep stages reduce with age (sleep/wake cycle changes)
    - this as growth hormones are mostly produced during sleep and therefore it is reduced in old people
    - may result in various issues in old age as relaxation and medication may be used to induce a deeper sleep
  • AO3: the sleep lab (strength)
    sleep labs use controlled settings and research can exclude extraneous factors ( such as noise , temperature)
  • AO3: the sleep lab (weakness)
    Lab studies involve ppts being attached to artificial machinery which can lead to ppts to sleep in a way that doesn't represent normal sleep. This means that findings from the study may lack generalisability .
  • AO3: individual differences (weakness)
    - there's a significant variation between people
    - Tucker = found large difference between ppts in terms of duration of each sleep stage ( especially stage 3 & 4)
    - these differences are biologically determined which makes it difficult to describe normal sleep in a meaningful way