Endocrine System Regulation because blood can deliver hormones
Prevents Bleeding(Platelets)
Prevents Infection (WBC)(Inc. WBC - Infection or SLE)
Delivers Nutrients
What is the Normal RBC Level?
What is the disease for decrease in RBC?
What is the disease for Increase RBC?
Polycythemia Vera an Autoimmune Disorder
What is the Normal Level of Hemoglobin?
What is the function of Hemoglobin?
Has Oxygen Carrying Capacity.
What is the shape of RBC?
Diseases concerning in RBC Shape?
What is the difference of Polycytemia to Polycytemia Vera?
Polycytemia is a COMPLICATION while Polycytemia Vera is a AUTOIMMUNEDISEASE.
Decrease Hemoglobin means?
What is the normal size of Hemoglobin?
Disease in decrease size of Hemoglobin?
Disease in increase size of Hemoglobin?
-Megaloblastic Anemia
-Pernicious Anemia (Vitamin B9 and B12)
-Macrolytic Anemia
Process of RBC Creation
Stimulus->Decrease Oxygen in the body due to cell death (Hemolysis)->Brain will send signal to Kidney->Kidney will produce Erythropoeitin->Bone Marrow->Release Immature RBC->Liver releases Iron->Stomach releases Vit. B9-Vit. B12->Produces Mature RBC
What is hemolysis?
-Cell Death
What is the life span of RBC?
-120 Days
Liver and Stomach will only produce Matured RBC if?
-The RBC died naturally. Due to Hemolysis
What is the function of Bone Marrow?
-Supplier of the Blood
-Site of Blood Creation
Where you can do Bone Marrow Aspiration in Adult?
-Posterior Iliac Crest(Flank Area)
Where you can do Bone Marrow Aspiration in Pedia?
What is the diagnostic test for Bone Marrow?
-Bone Marrow Aspiration/Biopsy
Diseases in Bone Marrow Biopsy/Aspiration?
-Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
-Acute Myelogenous (AML)
-Multiple Myeloma (Bone Cancer)
Tips to Remember in Bone Marrow Biopsy?
-Sterile Technique
-Watch Out For: Fever and Sore Throat
What are the components of Blood Stem Cell?
-Myeloid Stem Cell
-Lymphoid Stem Cell
Myeloid Stem Cell consist of?
-RBC (Erythrocyte)
-WBC (Leukocyte)
-Platelet (Thrombocyte)
Normal Value of WBC?
Increase in WBC means?
Normal Value of Platelet?
Decrease in Platelets means?
What is the Disease that targets Myeloid Stem Cell?
-Myeloid Leukemia
Lymphoid Stem Cell is consist of?
-T Helper Cell
-Natural Killer Cell
What is the function of T Helper Cell?
-Immunity Maturation
-Support and Guide the Natural Killer Cell
What is the function of Natural Killer Cell?
-Blind Killer
-Usually the reason of Autoimmune Disorder
What is the function of Macrophage?
-Cleaner of the debris
What is the disease involving Lymphoid Stem Cell?
-Lymphoid Leukemia
What is the disease involving the whole blood stem cell?
-Pancytopenia (Aplastic Anemia)
What are the signs and symptoms of Pancytopenia(Aplastic Anemia)? IBAS
S-Super Infection
What are the Nursing Management for Leukemia?
-Avoid Crowded Places
-Low Microbial Diet(Well Cooked, Well Done and Fresh is NOT allowed)
-Bleeding Precaution(Soft Bristle Toothbrush, Electric Razor, Avoid Contact Sport, No Aspirin, No Valsalva Manuever, Use Paper Tapes on Abrasion of the Skin)