
Cards (91)

  • What are the function of blood?
    • Deliver Oxygen to the orgran thru Hemoglobin
    • Removes Carbon Dioxide
    • Endocrine System Regulation because blood can deliver hormones
    • Prevents Bleeding(Platelets)
    • Prevents Infection (WBC)(Inc. WBC - Infection or SLE)
    • Delivers Nutrients
  • What is the Normal RBC Level?
  • What is the disease for decrease in RBC?
  • What is the disease for Increase RBC?

    Polycythemia Vera an Autoimmune Disorder
  • What is the Normal Level of Hemoglobin?

  • What is the function of Hemoglobin?
    Has Oxygen Carrying Capacity.
  • What is the shape of RBC?
  • Diseases concerning in RBC Shape?
    -Sickle Cell Anemia- Cresent Moon Shape
  • What is the difference of Polycytemia to Polycytemia Vera?
    Polycytemia is a COMPLICATION while Polycytemia Vera is a AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE.
  • Decrease Hemoglobin means?
  • What is the normal size of Hemoglobin?
  • Disease in decrease size of Hemoglobin?
    Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Disease in increase size of Hemoglobin?
    -Megaloblastic Anemia
    -Pernicious Anemia (Vitamin B9 and B12)
    -Macrolytic Anemia
  • Process of RBC Creation
    Stimulus->Decrease Oxygen in the body due to cell death (Hemolysis)->Brain will send signal to Kidney->Kidney will produce Erythropoeitin->Bone Marrow->Release Immature RBC->Liver releases Iron->Stomach releases Vit. B9-Vit. B12->Produces Mature RBC
  • What is hemolysis?
    -Cell Death
  • What is the life span of RBC?
    -120 Days
  • Liver and Stomach will only produce Matured RBC if?
    -The RBC died naturally. Due to Hemolysis
  • What is the function of Bone Marrow?
    -Supplier of the Blood
    -Site of Blood Creation
  • Where you can do Bone Marrow Aspiration in Adult?
    -Posterior Iliac Crest(Flank Area)
  • Where you can do Bone Marrow Aspiration in Pedia?
  • What is the diagnostic test for Bone Marrow?
    -Bone Marrow Aspiration/Biopsy
  • Diseases in Bone Marrow Biopsy/Aspiration?
    -Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
    -Acute Myelogenous (AML)
    -Multiple Myeloma (Bone Cancer)
  • Tips to Remember in Bone Marrow Biopsy?
    -Sterile Technique
    -Watch Out For: Fever and Sore Throat
  • What are the components of Blood Stem Cell?
    -Myeloid Stem Cell
    -Lymphoid Stem Cell
  • Myeloid Stem Cell consist of?
    -RBC (Erythrocyte)
    -WBC (Leukocyte)
    -Platelet (Thrombocyte)
  • Normal Value of WBC?
  • Increase in WBC means?
  • Normal Value of Platelet?
  • Decrease in Platelets means?
  • What is the Disease that targets Myeloid Stem Cell?

    -Myeloid Leukemia
  • Lymphoid Stem Cell is consist of?
    -T Helper Cell
    -Natural Killer Cell
  • What is the function of T Helper Cell?
    -Immunity Maturation
    -Support and Guide the Natural Killer Cell
  • What is the function of Natural Killer Cell?
    -Blind Killer
    -Usually the reason of Autoimmune Disorder
  • What is the function of Macrophage?
    -Cleaner of the debris
  • What is the disease involving Lymphoid Stem Cell?
    -Lymphoid Leukemia
  • What is the disease involving the whole blood stem cell?
    -Pancytopenia (Aplastic Anemia)
  • What are the signs and symptoms of Pancytopenia(Aplastic Anemia)? IBAS
    S-Super Infection
  • What are the Nursing Management for Leukemia?
    -Avoid Crowded Places
    -Low Microbial Diet(Well Cooked, Well Done and Fresh is NOT allowed)
    -Bleeding Precaution(Soft Bristle Toothbrush, Electric Razor, Avoid Contact Sport, No Aspirin, No Valsalva Manuever, Use Paper Tapes on Abrasion of the Skin)
    -Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy
  • What are the criteria for anemia?
    -Decrease in RBC Production
    -Increase in RBC Production
  • What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
    -Decrease Iron storage and production.