Sign Test

Cards (2)

  • When to use
    To determine the significance of results when:
    • Researcher is looking for a difference between two groups (not a correlation)
    • A repeated measures or matched pairs design was used (not independent groups)
    • The data is nominal (or can be converted into nominal data)
  • How to calculate:
    1. Allocate each participant (or pair if matched pairs) a sign: + if score improved, - if it decreased, or 0 if stayed the same.
    2. Add up number of + and number of -
    3. Take smallest number (least frequent sign). This is our calculated value, known as S
    4. Calculate number of participants - do not include anyone who's score stayed the same. This number is known as N
    5. Compare the calculated value (S) to a critical value table. S must be equal to or less than the P value to be significant.