an electoral process voted by the general public to choose most/all members of Parliament

the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level

an election that occurs when a seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant during a general election
first-past-the-post (FPTP)

an electoral system used to elect MPs to the House of Commons

an area whose voters elect a representative to parliament
a government minister or an opposition shadow spokesperson
backbench MP

MPs that are neither government ministers or opposition shadow spokespeople, sitting behind their party’s spokesperson
the speaker
an MP who’s been elected by other MPs to ensure rules are observed and order is maintained in the chamber and they are politically impartial
the opposition

the largest political party in the House of Commons that’s not in the government

a minor party or independent member of the house of lords
select commitee

small groups of MPs or Lords that are set up to investigate a specific issue in detail or to perform a specific scrutiny role
government bills

a formal proposal for new law or a change in law, that is put forward by the government for consideration by parliament
political party

an organisation with similar political beliefs and ideologies with its candidates competing in elections
party whips
MPs appointed by each party in parliament to help organise their party’s contribution to parliamentary business
coalition government

a government formed jointly by more than one political party
pressure groups

organisations of people with similar opinions that want to influence those in power
lobbying petition

petitions that attempt to influence he opinions of MPs and Lords on specific subjects
identity politics

a new term to describe the phenomenon of people of a particular religion, race, ethnicity, sexuality etc. campaigning issues and moving away from traditional broad-based party politics