
Cards (11)

  • social sciences were the last to develop after the natural sciences
  • socrates, plato, aristotle develop seperate field of knowledge (began in the modern period)
  • dominance of religious worldview and authority
  • pre modern- social thinkers employed experiences and personal observation
  • study of society, culture, and politics were based on social and political philosophy
    • before the birth of modern social sciences in the west
  • social and political philosophies
    • were informed by theological reasoning
    • grounded in revelation
    • based on the bible
  • Science
    • based on empirical data, tested theories, and carefully contrived observations
    • seeks to discover truth about specific causes of events and happenings in the natural world
    • inductive
  • Inductive Method
    • begin with specific observations and measures
    • detect patterns and regularities
    • formulate tentative hypothesis
  • Deductive Method
    • top-down approach
  • Anthropology
    • study of biological, cultural and social aspects of man
    • integrates elements from biological sciences and humanities
  • Sociology
    • academic discipline that attempts to providedeeper assessment of individual and groupbehavior
    • defined by Anthony Giddens as “ thestudy of human social life, groups and society.
    • explainthe bases of social order and social change