Schaffers stages of attachment

Cards (4)

  • Schaffers stages
    Stage 1 – asocial – (first few weeks) baby is forming bonds with certain people, these will be the basis of their attachments later in life.
    Stage 2indiscriminate - (2-7 months) clear preference of being with familiar people or humans compared to inanimate objects.
  • Schaffers stages
    • Schaffer and Emerson 1964- found the identifiable stages of attachment in al babies
    • tested on 60 working class Glaswegian babies and mothers
    • visited in homes every month for the first year then 18 months asking the mothers questions on stranger and separation anxiety
  • Schaffers stages
    CPS- External validity – observed by mothers, making the behaviours natural with no extra anxiety.
    CPW- Mothers are unlikely to pick up on some signs of anxiety.
  • Schaffers stages
    S- Real-world application in day cares, reasoning behind child’s behaviours due to ageasocial can be comforted by anyone.
    W- Asocial stage is too young, babies are uncoordinated so some behaviours could be meaningless.